Example sentences of "[prep] be [vb pp] on the same " in BNC.

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1 Bond had in May 1992 been sentenced to 2 years ' imprisonment [ see p. 38917 ] after being convicted on the same charge , but was released in August after the Western Australian Court of Criminal Appeal quashed the conviction and ordered a retrial [ see p. 39056 ] .
2 First , this definition of topic seems to be based on the same ‘ topic = single term title ’ notion which we challenged earlier .
3 On 16 March 1992 Wright applied for an extension of time in which to renew his application for leave to appeal against conviction and the application was listed to be heard on the same day as Christou 's appeal .
4 On the deletion of clause 54(4) , in-house benefits were to be taxed on the same basis as external benefits , i.e. , on the cost to the employer of providing the benefit .
5 Some published language tests provide data regarding the variability to be expected in test scores if the test were to be repeated on the same child at relatively close intervals .
6 The most influential view is that expressed by a report for the OECD , which sees the intensifying economic difficulties of these years as resulting from ‘ an unusual bunching of unfortunate disturbances unlikely to be repeated on the same scale , the impact of which was compounded by some avoidable errors in economic policy ’ ( McCracken , 1977 , p. 14 ) .
7 Section 1(6) states : No duty is owed by virtue of this section to any person in respect of risks willingly accepted as his by that person ( the question of whether a risk was so accepted to be decided on the same principles as in other cases in which one person owes a duty of care to another ) .
8 It would be exactly similar to a bank loan , to be undertaken on the same terms , and at the same rates of interest — if you are agreeable ? ’
9 The hair of Oceanus also appears to be styled on the same matted locks which comprise the lion 's main at Verulamium .
10 Choosing a letter would have to be done on the same principle as choosing a biscuit .
11 A semi-colon causes the next and following items to be printed on the same line immediately after the previous item .
12 It is most important to remember that no double-stop can be played of which the higher note is lower than since this would require both notes to be stopped on the same string simultaneously .
13 It can however be arranged for several bills within one household to be included on the same payment .
14 It says a lot about the quality of US diplomatic thinking that the Americans were flattered to be put on the same level as the Soviet rulers .
15 Are his first fumbling efforts to compose an essay on the history of the bathing machine to be marked on the same scale as his final polished piece in term 6 on ‘ The Economic Significance of the English Watering Place' ?
16 Outside in The Cheese Market at the corner of Castle Street and Blue Boar Row , traders who paid no tolls were always to be found on the same spot each Market Day .
17 Laura Ashley was one of those invited and was genuinely thrilled to be considered on the same level as these ‘ famous names ’ .
18 if we book er , any , er , erm , a deal with them through P & O European Ferries , if we book one car and a person on a standard return fare crossing , they 'll give you a free five day return to be used on the same route in the autumn them are the deal with exclusive to the A A so do n't just get across once , cruise across twice
19 Everyone was to be educated on the same campus .
20 It is possible for several separate LIFESPAN systems to be established on the same computer configuration , each with its own allocation of resources , perhaps for contractual reasons .
21 Whether a church is to be rebuilt on the same site or the land sold for development , listed building consent must be obtained .
22 In the case of Henry VI , he was deposed on 4 March 1461 ( thus ending his 39th regnal year ) , to be succeeded on the same day by Edward IV .
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