Example sentences of "[prep] be [adj] [prep] the first " in BNC.

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1 Oh yes , yes she does , but , that 's about all she 's got two cousins , that 's right , and one of them 's married and got children and she used to have in the north , the great friend Sylvia from school days and Sylvia would of been one of the first Anglican Deacons to be ordained as a , as a priest
2 The Polish Telecommunications Co , previously the Polish Post , Telegraph and Telecommunications Company until it was separated from the Post last January , looks like being one of the first to run IBM 's mainframe version of AIX on its E9000 Series mainframe .
3 Then we may write unc and D has the same degeneracy as C. The matrix unc will in general be fully populated ; if it is appropriately partitioned , we may write ( 18 ) as unc To be conformable with the first and last matrices in the triple product , unc must have — p rows and n — q columns .
4 Downstream , in light of high product stocks , industry refining margins in the USA and Europe are expected to be lower in the first quarter of 1993 than in the fourth quarter of 1992 .
5 In one study , patient anxiety was measured and found to be highest in the first 24 hours of a hospital stay ( Wilson-Barnett , 1978 ) .
6 Bruce Dern said Corman did him and Nicholson a favour by getting them a part because they both needed the money at the time ; Corman arranged it so that their shooting schedules would require them to be available for the first and last weeks of the four-week stint , thus , under union rules guaranteeing them a salary cheque for the full four weeks .
7 In the circumstances , it is therefore often difficult to be sure of the first arrival .
8 ELONEX , a British supplier of computers , is about to be one of the first to deliver the latest and fastest 33MHz 80386SX microprocessor made by AMD .
9 The predators that preyed on the giants were even more spectacular , and by now the name of Tyrannosaurus is so well-known that it seems to be one of the first tongue-twisters mastered by small children .
10 The amount of rain that was falling made this sure to be one of the first places to flood , and though the cubs were growing fast , they were still too small to cope with flood conditions .
11 London-based HM Systems Plc which , with its Minstrel workstation was one of the first vendors to ship an 80486-based machine , says it also plans to be one of the first off the mark with Pentium machines .
12 UNICEF UK has organized a petition urging the British Government to be one of the first to ratify the Convention after it has been adopted .
13 The UK 's largest spider , the fen raft , is to be one of the first subjects of a species reintroduction programme by English Nature , the English successor body of the Nature Conservancy Council ( NCC ) .
14 ‘ The chorus has got to happen within the first 30 seconds , it 's got to be memorable after the first play and it 's either got to make you feel reflective or happy . ’
15 Bunny had taken the precaution of holding separate flying- and lighting-rehearsals on the Friday , with the result that the delays were structural rather than technical — the deck of the Jolly Roger swayed alarmingly during the fight between the pirates and the Lost Boys , and the ticking of the crocodile was found to be inaudible beyond the first three rows of the stalls .
16 My suggestion is that the evolution of subcutaneous fat in neonates and post-natal depression is an example of co-evolution and what has happened is mothers are programmed to be depressed for the first few days after birth because in primal conditions when remember this is where evolution set the parameters of human behaviour , in primal conditions it would probably pay a mother to test her new-born offspring to see if it could survive , because if it was defective or if it was sickly , or if there was some reason why that baby could n't make it to adulthood and its own reproductive life , that mother should not invest in it , because that 's her reproductive success .
17 His storm lasted two and half days , leaving him ragged and with only enough energy to get to the airport to be ready for the first flight out .
18 The Belgian state phone company Belgacom and P&T Luxembourg have cosily been awarded the contract to install the European Parliament 's internal telecommunications network , which requires that they supply , set up and operate the private network , integrating all services used by the deputies and the administration : the network links Brussels , Luxembourg and Strasbourg and will be installed during the summer of 1993 to be ready for the first autumn session .
19 Ian Stewart aims to be ready for the first team in three weeks
20 First software is expected to be ready in the first half of 1993 .
21 This is all a far cry from the cosy coffee morning , which is itself shorthand for a vast network of peer support groups in which women , who have ceased to be competitive for the first time in their lives , can find reassurance during a period of mindbending uncertainty .
22 Now I 've found out that he is n't my father I 'm learning to be free for the first time in my life , do you understand ? ’
23 We also expect marketing margins to be weaker in the first quarter because of the effect on demand of the generally mild weather .
24 Larry Parks is remembered for being one of the first to inform on his Communist friends before the committee , better remembered perhaps than he is for impersonating Al Jolson in two films which made him , at that time , a star .
25 Names like Heaven 17 and Scritti Politti crop up , the former favourably ( for being one of the first groups of their ilk to give black singers centre stage ) and the latter not .
26 If you 're gon na turn to stealing , then from then on it 's gon na be not the last resort any more , it 's gon na be one of the first resorts because it pays so much quicker .
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