Example sentences of "[prep] be [verb] [prep] [adj] the " in BNC.

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1 Here is a woman who insists upon being treated with all the formality of royal protocol .
2 The club 's Revenue Account , which shows a profit of £8 4s. 3d. , benefits from being credited with all the subscriptions paid since the summer of 1907 , against course upkeep , which does not officially begin until May 1908 on ‘ hand over ’ .
3 The liquidity arrangements came to be based on both the IMF quota schemes and the supply of dollars .
4 These questions underline the real issues to be faced by all the interested parties involved in privatisation .
5 All children appeared to be treated by all the adults with equal and , by our standards , highly indulgent affection .
6 But we must accept that these occasional audible signals were not even meant to be heard by all the chorus singers : they were to be heard by the sub-conductor(s) , who would then relay the beat visually .
7 As it was , however , the US was slowly , and not too slowly , getting itself into a position where its responsibilities tended to supplant rather than complement those of the French : and this was something which at least had to be offset against all the delays that would ensue in European rearmament .
8 Now Sammy was a character in himself he was a bachelor and his wi his sister was Fanny the elocutionist er and , and er there the women used to , to go into old Sammy 's shop on a Friday night simply to be entertained by all the wisecracks and nonsense that used to go on in there , and somebody would say I suppose you 're off this weekend and he 'd say yes I 'm off to my little widow in Wales , he had n't got a little widow in Wales at all now but it would the start of the conversation going .
9 He was also later to be connected with both the Imperial Fascist League ( IFL ) and the BUF .
10 St Pierre Park staff were pleased to report that the new kitchen passed with flying colours , enabling the main course to be served to all the diners within 10 minutes of the plates going into the ovens .
11 He will require a check to be made on all the radio navigation and approach aids and reports to be produced .
12 Holes need to be made for all the connections : ballvalve , cold water feeds and overflow pipe .
13 Because generations of hard working and poorly-paid working people have shown enormous resilience and good humour in coping with substandard housing , polluted air , lifeless local rivers and streams and degraded surroundings , it does n't mean that efforts to improve air quality , the quality of rivers and also , no less , the quality of the surrounding landscape should not continue to be made with all the imagination and expertise the community has at its disposal .
14 It would he a very revealing item of Bomber Command 's history were a tape to be made available today of that unfortunate telephone link-up , and for a cold assessment to be made of all the circumstances as known at the time .
15 At the end of the fifteenth century , one enterprising family realised there was money to be made from all the foreign merchants , and turned their house into sort of prototype stock exchange .
16 The perambulations of the other forests were as little to the liking of the regents , and in December 1219 they ordered fresh perambulations to be made in all the forest counties .
17 The design process is recognised as being one of refinement , in which a number of iterations may need to be made before all the design goals are achievable .
18 Erm I think in the first instance , an assessment needs to be done of all the la of the landscape quality and I would suggest that it ought to be directed away from from areas of high landscape quality , towards areas of a lower landscape quality .
19 Unfortunately it is an extremely time-consuming process and at the time of the SEA much yet remained to be done before all the products that needed to be dealt with had in fact been covered .
20 Would you advise heparin to be given in all the district general hospitals where thrombolysis is being used ?
21 But while the Velvet ones seem deliciously free of hang-up and come-downs , Perspex Whiteout appear to be hamstrung by all the social conventions that have crippled a worrying number of home-grown guitar could-have-beens .
22 I understand that their proposal document — to be sent to all the cricketing nations within the next week — contains a personal message of support from the country 's biggest cricketing fan , the Prime Minister John Major .
23 The club is a discount scheme to be operated in all the district council 's leisure facilities from April .
24 It was a trick and she knew it , to ask a personal question then appear to forget it so any answer would seem to be volunteered with all the humiliation of confession .
25 This condition is unlikely to be met for all the shares in an index , particularly those indices based on many shares , such as the S&P500 , the Value Line Arithmetic and the NYSE Composite .
26 The attacker was a young man who appeared to be aligned with both the Communist-controlled Tudeh ( Peoples ) party and with what the Shah called " archconservative religious fanatics " .
27 Her husband had asked her to keep them for me — keep them in the family , that is , but she did n't want to be troubled with all the precautions and inspections since the Firearms Acts .
28 RIGHT Black holes are the likely outcome of supernovae such as the one pictured here the brightest one to be discovered since 1604 The image is colourcoded and digitized by computer ; red represents the brightest parts of the image fading to green , blue white grey and black .
29 Nevertheless , the dominant impression to be gleaned from all the available evidence in this period is that , despite the decisive transformation in the balance of military power and the massive worsening of the mood of the bulk of the German population , the ‘ Hitler myth ’ — though unquestionably starting to crumble and lose its aura of untouchability — still retained much strength and potency .
30 In addition to the above , the module name cache has further functionality in that it allows alphabetic and wild card searches to be performed upon both the contents of the cache and the LIFESPAN database .
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