Example sentences of "[prep] the [det] [noun sg] [subord] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Following questions in Parliament , the Department of Trade and Industry announced last October that ‘ oversized ’ cuffs and certain linking chains , which could be used for the same purpose as leg irons , had been evading UK export controls , and would be restricted .
2 On 17 October , Mr Sainsbury announced — ‘ in the light of publicity ’ — that ‘ oversized ’ cuffs and certain linking chains , which could be used for the same purpose as leg irons , had been evading export control .
3 Some experts claim the difference may be as much as 15 per cent , but producers in Austria--which leads the rest of Europe in RME use--claim they can make RME for the same price as diesel .
4 ( Hawks wear bells for the same reason as mountain cattle — so you can hear them when you ca n't see them . )
5 Health warnings on advertisements do not work for the same reason as health warnings on labels — they represent a token gesture which will have no material effect .
6 I advise the Government , however , not to take an indication of confidence as the same thing as money over the counter .
7 the steak out there is about the same price as mince here .
8 I 'd come across that and used that intravenously and thought well I really enjoy this and at the time the people who I knew were breaking into chemists and things , they used to come across very powerful substances , diamorphine , crystallised cocaine , morphine , that whole range of opiates and also amphetamines , black bombers and all the rest of it and then opium became more available on the streets and it was round about the same price as cannabis was at the time … .
9 Well about the same size as nan really .
10 That 's about the same size as earth you know .
11 You see , there 's Venus which is about the same size , Mercury 's a small one , Saturn is huge , Uranus , Neptune they 're big ones and Pluto 's another one about the same size as earth .
12 Third , Special Branch of the Metropolitan Police who have about the same job as Security but are more up-front , more visible .
13 Wings was subsequently sold by Rank to Horizon at about the same time as Horizon was itself purchased more or less outright by Bass for £90 million in May 1987 .
14 Lead was first used at about the same time as copper , though it was seldom used to make artefacts in its own right .
15 The Roots , a drawing done at about the same time as Sorrow , was conceived quite deliberately as a companion piece , He paired them because he was trying to say the same thing in both .
16 Only 5% have any experience of psychotherapy of psychoanalysis — about the same figure as use acupuncture , homoeopathy or yoga — and they are surprisingly controlled in their use of the most popular psychopharmacological remedy — alcohol .
17 At present the ice sheet is believed to be replenished by snow fall at about the same rate as ice melts or is lost into the sea .
18 He wrote a preface to David Jones 's In Parenthesis in which he noted the fact that Jones was of the same generation as Pound and himself ; he also wrote a preface to Lewis 's One-Way Song and described him as one of those who had been falsely labelled by " the Messenmensch " as a fascist but nevertheless chose " to walk alone " .
19 In the context of employment , where the Act refers to dismissal ‘ or other detriment ’ , it has been held that the phrase in quotation marks refers to an act of the same type as dismissal .
20 Accordingly , futures contracts will not be investments of the same kind as debt securities or even contracts for differences , although SFA may perhaps agree that they are of the same kind as contracts for differences for this purpose ; in practice , however , any dealer who normally deals in futures contracts is usually likely to deal in contracts for differences in any event .
21 There are also still about a hundred racing dinghies of the same class as Port and Starboard 's Flash : Yare and Bure one-designs which are always called after butterflies .
22 Hollyhocks are a member of the same family as marshmallow , which has the same large , open saucer-shaped flowers without stems .
23 Public-sector spending and employment were themselves heavily and deliberately constrained by the Conservative policy of ‘ rolling back the frontiers of the state ’ , which to many trade-unionists was part of the same process as de-industrialization .
24 Figure 3 is another picture of the same graph as Figure 1 .
25 Speakers of languages like Japanese , Hungarian and Spanish , which do not have weak syllables to anything like the same extent as English does , may well find such exercises of some value ( as long as they are not overdone to the point where learners feel they have to speak English as though they were reciting verse ) .
26 The mollusc-crushing teeth of rays , with the same lustre as shark 's teeth , but formed as low , ridged cushions , can also be found in Mesozoic and younger rocks .
27 Leon Kennedy slumped in his chair , laughing , and it came to him with the same elegance as movement .
28 ‘ Our ancestors were trying to put Earth into the same orbit as Heaven . ’
29 Working independently , they found a chemical in the body that fitted into the same receptor as heroin ; Dr Kosterlitz named it ‘ endorphin ’ .
30 It is likely too that the provision for value had originally been framed in relation to purchase for value , for otherwise there is no good reason why Ulpian should be concerned with fitting other legal relationships into the same pattern as sale .
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