Example sentences of "[prep] little more than the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 For little more than the price of two rolls of 35mm this source of invaluable information really is worth having .
2 For little more than the price of ordinary-looking hardcover books you can own these extraordinary editions — books that are admired and collected in 131 countries around the world .
3 In fact , Manchester 's east side ( officially referred to as Tameside ) is renowned for little more than the sweat and dirt of industry .
4 In fact , Manchester 's east side ( officially referred to as Tameside ) is renowned for little more than the sweat and dirt of industry .
5 There may well be a reputable graffiti artist in the area who would take on the challenge for little more than the cost of the materials !
6 Wimpey News has teamed up with Kuoni , one of the world 's leading travel companies , to offer readers the chance of visiting one of three exotic holiday destinations for little more than the cost of a European holiday .
7 Its Military Committee , which the victors of 1945 had once hoped ( for little more than the time it takes to shake hands ) would in future enforce peace at the head of a world army , remained a jobless phantom .
8 ‘ Rural development has often appeared to consist of little more than the creation of as many plans , programmes , projects , rural centres , and special development agencies as possible .
9 At one extreme ( for instance , when grass-letting ) you can get by with little more than the dwelling house : at the other ( on an intensively-run livestock farm ) special buildings are essential .
10 All these small invertebrates — flying insects trapped in webs by spiders , larvae concealed in bark picked out by woodpeckers , molluscs hidden in mud gathered by wading birds , termites licked up by anteaters — all are harvested with little more than the effort expended by those animals that sip nectar and munch pollen , or gather fruit and chew leaves .
11 This most popular show , which ran for 12 years and hooked 22 million viewers at its peak , operated under all the usual constraints of economy sit-com — restricted set , small cast , tiresome re-establishment of norm every week — but somehow extracted magic from little more than the relationship between Harry H Corbett and Wilfrid Brambles .
12 His well-meaning attempt at being nice to Black Britons amounted to little more than the recital of a catalogue of sporting achievement .
13 Whatever Isabella 's private intentions may have been , the deposition of the king had so far formed no part of her publicly declared programme , which amounted to little more than the removal of the Despensers .
14 Extended development of heads and others has in the past amounted to little more than the agglomeration of courses relating to specific short-term issues .
15 Another writer has argued that , apart from the period of financial crisis in the immediate aftermath of the war , government control amounted to little more than the application of Keynesian nostrums and wartime controls rather than the application of thoroughgoing plans for the reconstruction of industry .
16 For the moment , the revolution of 1327 seemed to amount to little more than the replacement of one greedy and unscrupulous faction by another .
17 For the French the peace of the last years of the fourteenth century led to little more than the need to garrison their frontiers .
18 How indeed , when Almsmead was so much better in every way than this creaking old hall and the Goldsboroughs ' possibly valuable but , in her view , horribly antique furniture which had come with it , held together , she often thought , by little more than the beeswax with which it was polished .
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