Example sentences of "[adj] very [adj] [noun pl] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This is connected to questions about why some people are born with poor health and touches on some very deep aspects of philosophy which I will not attempt to discuss in this book .
2 On the finance and legal side we have had some very good women at Channel 4 : Janet Walker , for example , now , I think , at Granada ; Kate Wilson , who was a lawyer and is now a senior lawyer .
3 Some very good examples of solution effects may be observed on the coast of Glamorgan where the Carboniferous Limestone emerges as the wavecut platform from beneath Liassic cliffs , for example near Nash Point .
4 The Jet project is formally er continuing until the end of 1992 but in recent months we 've had some very great successes in Jet , the work we 've done is of very high quality and , and certainly world leading , and we can see the way ahead to building an experimental reactor after Jet but there are some very important experiments that need to be done before then .
5 Pollution expert Michael Bradley said that oil companies were " all of a sudden doing some very amazing refinements to gasoline " , because they feared that the substitution of alternatives such as methanol would be made compulsory .
6 Apart from some very limited opportunities for mobility within the industry , to what higher occupational strata can the miner … rise in the natural course of events ?
7 And I take this opportunity to say that , erm , I had , I moved this at budget revue , and my intention was to move erm , pretty much the wording that Mr moved at property , but I was unable to obtain that wording by the time of the meeting , so I put this forward , erm , knowing that it obviously was different words , but but with that same sense , that we do have to address some very real issues about County Farms and not to pussyfoot about it I think that er , any comparison between the County Farms and a commercial enterprise is a coincidence of terms , but I ca n't see how we can have forty million pounds worth of estate , as it 's valued on the free market , to be making two hundred and ninety-one thousand pounds a year out of it , and think that that is commercial .
8 Non-fiction now , and again some very strong sellers in addition to Wild Swans .
9 Although the curvature and track geometry precludes speeds much in excess of 100mph ( except by upgrading at unacceptable costs ) the power : weight ratio , acceleration and braking of the HSTs immediately demonstrated their worth and have made it possible to introduce some very useful cuts in journey times .
10 The sufferer from addictive disease , as his or her world progressively falls apart , may have clung desperately to some very individual interpretations of reality simply in order to survive .
11 The children obviously enjoyed the activity , and it brought up some very interesting points about error in their estimation and other matters .
12 Fifteen years later the town of Carlisle is as much of an enigma as it was then , despite the expenditure of some very large sums of money and several large excavations .
13 At the level of individual LLMAs there are some very marked differences in age structure .
14 Some very big issues for instance , er like , How Nottinghamshire responded to the prospect of the closure of mines .
15 This subtle humour was used when Pip , Joe and Mrs Joe had some very difficult guests for tea who kept putting Pip down .
16 An interesting and very entertaining hybrid of flamboyant style and too predictable content , Mo' Better Blues balances Lee 's characteristic from-the-hip immediacy of camerawork , dialogue and performances against a storyline which , but for some very significant trimmings of colour , language and attitude , could well have come out of 1950s Hollywood .
17 And in areas such as modern international finance , it is the voluminous documentation which delineates the rights and obligations of the parties : apart from some very basic rules about contract , the law is produced by the lawyers , not the legislature or the courts .
18 Devising and enacting appropriate remedies fitted more easily into the Labour Party 's outlook than into that of the Conservatives and they produced few very positive ideas for reform or change .
19 I 'm not a convinced believer , I just do n't find it difficult to credit that in these very ancient sites of occupation , where such emotional things are known to have happened , people should develop special sensitivities , racial memories , hypernormal sympathies , whatever you like to call them .
20 Obviously , we can not explain these very striking variations in behaviour via biology , since the people in the various societies were all the same biologically .
21 Whether your aims are physique development or figure improvement , the vast majority of the exercises you will need to do can be carried out with these very basic pieces of equipment .
22 It 's quite interesting that er two members of the Conservative party have referred to these very high rates of inflation er that happened under a Labour government er because they , the , the reason they occurred primarily , if you remember is because in nineteen seventy two oil , oil was three dollars a barrel .
23 With one notable exception , a factor common to all these very different approaches to policy formulation was the negligible role allowed to health and social services personnel .
24 We appeal to our sisters all over the world to stand by us during these very difficult moments in order to help us put an end to oppressive Israeli measures imposed on us and our children which are affecting all human , social , economic , political , intellectual and cultural aspects of our lives .
25 Several groups of them specialise in this diet and each has evolved a long sticky tongue entirely independently : a marsupial , the numbat , in Australia ; a distant relative of primitive antelopes , the aardvark in Africa ; the pangolins of Asia and Africa which are covered in a mail of horny plates so that they resemble giant animated fir-cones ; and the three very different ant-eaters of South America , the gazelle-sized giant of the savannahs , the squirrel-sized pygmy from the forest canopy , and the monkey-sized tamandua from its mid-storey .
26 Anyway , just my 2p worth … all very humble opinions of course !
27 So , you 've left your loved one at the start line and made all those very necessary noises of encouragement .
28 Though he extended these four levels into seventeen very specific levels of mechanisation , we need not concern ourselves here with that level of detail .
29 Looking at maths as a much wider subject , as a subject perhaps for research and for exploration , have there been any very obvious trends in mathematics in recent years which could be described ?
30 There are several very popular pieces of software available for this , in particular PKZIP and ARC .
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