Example sentences of "[adj] more [adj] [noun] of [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The move towards this more complex kind of painting reaches a climax in the still lifes that Braque painted late in 1909 and early in the following year , for example Violon et Cruche and Violin and Palette .
2 In this more specific area of debate , the issue is whether or not the child will be so badly handicapped that it will be unable to sustain a life which society would consider to be in any sense worthwhile .
3 Clearly , then , the primary need when dealing with the information issue is to establish clearly what various staff need to do their jobs and then to see how to provide this more limited selection of information in a form that is easily available and accessible .
4 Some 1,200 places in this more independent type of accommodation are let to new first-year students with at least 220 of these places being available to new postgraduates .
5 Those offenders taking part in this more intense form of education were also expected to work , not towards a reduction in their sentence , but in order to support the education they were receiving .
6 The scramble to partition Africa into colonies — made possible once the wide availability of quinine solved the problem of fever — typified this more militaristic phase of imperialism .
7 At this more detailed level of analysis , the most important shift in the geography of manufacturing since the mid-1960s has been the decline of the inner cities and the conurbations and the relative growth of outer metropolitan areas and smaller towns .
8 Erm so we decided that it was important to try and find some more formalised way of testing what er the market satisfaction was and the service we are providing .
9 Another more powerful kind of argument goes as follows .
10 Because it may well be again that more specific area of search will meet all twelve , on hundred percent erm of the criteria er that we er are putting forward .
11 The animal welfarist 's position , like the deep ecologist 's , is committed to permitting the sacrifice of some individuals for the greater good , and even the deep ecologists , notwithstanding their glorification of sport hunting ( I have in mind such legendary figures as Aldo Leopold , Ortega y Gasset and the poet Gary Snyder ) , might agree that more humane forms of hunting and trapping are preferable to more barbaric ones .
12 Too many people fail to report crimes because they consider the police inefficient ; we need to restore police efficiency in order to increase the reportage rate and hence obtain a better more reliable gauge of crime .
13 A similar point is made by Anderson ( 1984 ) with respect to a still more eloquent defence of modernism by Berman ( 1983 ) .
14 As in the first phase of its activity , it sought to rely on a mix of massive public protest with occasional more direct forms of action .
15 M&A work is different to many other more traditional types of work in that it normally concludes in a completion meeting .
16 This beeline may be reversed and used as a route of ascent from Horton but until a clear path has been formed by foot-traffic over the rough higher ground , it is not a way to be preferred to other more pleasant routes of ascent : apart from an exciting interlude midway , the climb becomes tedious .
17 The ultimate criterion for the presence of pollution in law , in contrast with other more familiar forms of offence , is a test carried out according to the supposedly ‘ objective ’ precepts of natural scientific ( predominantly chemical ) analysis .
18 In this chapter I have also endeavoured to clarify the relationship between the soft systems approach and other more conventional methods of examination .
19 The other more promising line of investigation is to explore directly the nature of conversational interaction .
20 Ethologists have studied other more natural kinds of learning , such as the development of bird song .
21 He clearly favours a state which involves itself essentially through monetary transaction rather than direct intervention in other more qualitative spheres of life .
22 Arm-in-arming for Saturday shopping was permissible but the finer more subtle expressions of love between women were channelled into food , presents and a particular kind of teasing that conveyed the messages of knowing each other on different levels in ways which neutralized the intensity .
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