Example sentences of "[adj] who [vb base] [noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I think she saw you very clearly , better than some who live side by side with you and might as well be blind .
2 Ever since I have had a huge interest in any new discovery and great admiration for those who seek adventure below ground .
3 Those who seek power for power 's sake are never seen again .
4 Those who take part in change usually want it to succeed .
5 I detest the ‘ why ? ’ writ large by the critic and historian Francisco Calvo Serraller , defender of scruffy artists , who proposes that the benediction of ‘ Guernica ’ by the Opus Dei be delayed , thereby showing his rejection of those who take advantage of culture rather than advancing its cause .
6 Of course , the vast majority of those who make use of tax havens do so in an open way with which the authorities have no problem .
7 Canon by inversion is not as easy to follow as normal imitation , and perhaps by reason of this obscurity it has been favoured by composers in this century — or at least by those who prefer obscurity to clarity .
8 On the other hand , for those who regard language with suspicion , especially written or printed language , on the grounds that it misleads and confuses as much as it informs and expresses , eliminating words and sentences exposes a level of communication of unsuspected richness , one in which human beings express their true meanings .
9 35 Cities and pasture for the Levites : the six cities of refuge for those who cause death by accident
10 Indeed , his insistence that punishments should only reflect the harm done to society and have nothing to do with subjective intent would seem to imply that the accident-prone should be treated the same as those who cause harm by design !
11 ‘ In a free democratic society it is almost too obvious to need stating that those who hold office in government and who are responsible for public administration must always be open to criticism .
12 ‘ In a free democratic society it is almost too obvious to need stating that those who hold office in government and who are responsible for public administration must always be open to criticism .
13 ‘ In a free democratic society it is almost too obvious to need stating that those who hold office in government and who are responsible for public administration must always be open to criticism .
14 Similarly , those who claim repayment of tax on building society and bank interest and dividends will not be affected .
15 The populace has deferred to the independent authority of government and to those who occupy government in return for the satisfaction of expectations .
16 That , in itself , will be an important step forward , but perhaps even more important is the fact that , because of the change , there will for the first time be a proper appeals procedure for those who need help with care .
17 The first is the principle of integrity in legislation , which asks those who create law by legislation to keep that law coherent in principle .
18 Section 6 of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 imposes liabilities on those who supply equipment for use at work to ensure that it is " so far as reasonably practicable … safe and without risks to health when properly used " .
19 Marital pathology is fully recognised by those who give support through marriage counselling .
20 A great deal of the blame must be laid at the feet of those who link regression with occult activities or treat it as some sort of parlour-trick to be practised for fun at parties .
21 They want to assert that homosexual relationships are just as valid as heterosexual ones and that it is perfectly ‘ natural ’ for some people to be homosexual if their inclination is in that direction and that those who profess distaste for homosexuality are denying them human rights .
22 Is it too much to hope , ask or even start demanding that those who exercise authority in respect of the problem — those sitting in Government , whether here or in the Republic of Ireland — start to solve that problem ?
23 Individuals from pressure groups , or at least representing specific interests , secure entry into the ranks of those who exercise power by virtue not only of expertise but also of personal qualities , such as persistence and charm , which enable them to persuade that they have something to contribute to public decision making .
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