Example sentences of "[adj] who [verb] with the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This competition made conflicts more likely and meant that in any conflict rival groups of Indians would be involved ; those who traded with the French would support them , and their enemies would support the British , so that Indian skirmishing inland played a larger part in the fighting of the 1740s than in previous wars .
2 There was no difference in ear scores among the latter subjects between those who wrote with the hooked and upright postures .
3 Among left handed writers defects of verbal comprehension were more frequent than among those who wrote with the right hand .
4 There are those who struggling with the old Head who never knew what was going on and like
5 To those who harmonize with the meagre resources of tonic , dominant , and subdominant in root positions only , I would recommend abstinence from the use of these chords for a while , and concentration on the other part of the vast diatonic field which is actually available .
6 In a radio interview of Oct. 5 President Taya had dismissed the idea of a multiparty conference : " It consolidates the success of those who shout with the loudest voices , the most arrogant lobbies , and the tribes with strong dependency on the outside . "
7 He 'd lived all his fifty-odd years in Oldfield and felt the duties of a host towards visitors , especially those who came with the proper recommendation .
8 Its true supporters can only be those who agree with the inevitable Federalist outcome of such a policy .
9 One of the messages from the Bill may be that bringing in those schemes and making them work is one way in which the engineers can show that they have as much to contribute in cutting the number of casualties as those who deal with the behavioural side of driving and those who build the bypasses that take traffic away from towns and villages .
10 More to the point , you fail to mention the fact that the Government has offered talks on a pay structure which would ensure that those ambulance workers with a high skill level , who tend to be those who deal with the worst accidents , are paid more to reflect their training .
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