Example sentences of "[adj] will [verb] [pron] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Never say you do not know why you picked certain subjects , or that other people decided for you , as this will show you in a negative light .
2 Particularly this will show itself in the gift of availability to another , a conducive meeting-place , the courtesy of taking the phone off the hook , keeping confidences and having grace to forget as well as remember things people tell us .
3 When the snow comes , this will insulate them from the cold air and allow them to tease out woodlice , spiders and other invertebrates from leaf-litter or plant roots .
4 The group is negotiating the sale of its remaining consultancy businesses and says this will leave it with a strong and focused base in advertising and marketing services .
5 The group is negotiating the sale of its remaining consultancy businesses and says this will leave it with a strong and focused base in advertising and marketing services .
6 ‘ If there is a particularly nasty piece of business to be got out of the way , a quick dose of this will bring it to a head quickly .
7 She is sure that this will settle them for the foreseeable future .
8 How do you see this will benefit you as a person ?
9 Over time , the executives will come to realise that there is an excess demand for their product : this will reveal itself in the form of orders which can not be met .
10 This will get you into a playable but ultimately limited game .
11 This will alert us to the error in assuming that the sole way of justifying spending money on courses in the Arts must lie in claims about their utility for ends beyond themselves .
12 If members allowances are a hundred and eighty thousand this year which is somewhere around there , Mr may correct me but I think I 'm not too far out , we 've already upped those this year to a hundred and eighty- nine , so next year there 'll be a hundred and seventy-one and the thirteen thousand cost of this will reduce it to a hundred and fifty-eight I actually do n't think that is possible , we ca n't afford it within the terms of of the present set up , unless someone 's going to dramatically reduce the length and the number of meetings in this council , which I think is highly unlikely , I think we 've got to set a good example to our employees , I think that this would give completely the wrong message .
13 We 've made plenty of enemies over the years , even politicians here at the UN , and this will provide them with the perfect ammunition for them to shoot UNACO down in flames .
14 This will provide them with an incentive for continuing their education .
15 ‘ In addition to being based on new technology and being over 40 per cent more powerful than its predecessor , the 820 has twice as much memory and this will provide us with the potential to exploit new , more efficient techniques for online applications and batch processing . ’
16 It figures the momentum of applications coming on-line will push it over the hump at the end of June , the end of its fiscal year .
17 Some will make it to the market , others just fade away into their particular niche .
18 Sometimes one school will have a set policy and even a policy statement on homework while another will leave it to the individual whim of the teacher .
19 The facilities table on page 10 will show you at a glance which Clubs offer a Club 16 .
20 The 11-stone father of three will face them in a series of physical contests .
21 These will protect you for a short time against tetanus .
22 The latter will reveal themselves to the area supervisor in sample results or — a more serious matter — in recurring complaints from the public or other water users about particular pollutions .
23 Whilst there is no doubt that many will preceive it as a major disadvantage to the Association , there will be those who think it is a step back into the past .
24 Most give telephone numbers you can ring for more information , and many will tell you over the phone if they are likely to offer you a place .
25 MANY will take it as a further surrender to Common Market bureaucracy that an inspectorate will soon be established to regulate the smell of farm manure .
26 The lists in Chapter 3 will provide you with a lot of ready-made ideas for this chapter , but think hard before you just copy them over .
27 It should be noted that if any of these ineffective exclusion clauses are included in an advertisement , the trader responsible will expose himself to the risk of proceedings against him under the Control of Misleading Advertisements Regulations 1988 ( see paragraph 16 — 37 , below ) .
28 We could n't get the centenary of the Origin of Species into our programme — that was nineteen fifty nine and we had n't started then — but I did persuade tonight 's speaker to deliver one of our early centenary lectures on the subject of Darwin 's subsequent book , that is the book on the Descent of Man , which appeared in eighteen seventy one , and I am sure that those of you who were there on that occasion in December eighteen seventy one will remember it as a stimulating and
29 ‘ He 'll manage twenty-five miles or so by nightfall , and that will bring him to the stream over there called the Carron , with a dozen miles of forest and boggy ground between himself and the main river-crossing .
30 It means getting up in the early hours to be ready to board a coach at around 6.30am that will transport them to the South Coast , then bring them back again , arriving home at around midnight .
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