Example sentences of "[adj] were [vb pp] [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But if there were a sea change , and they became the majority that meat eaters are at present , and if this were fuelled by the arguments of Regan or Singer , then surely it would be reasonable to expect a knock-on effect in the other contentious areas .
2 If this were done in the City , the IRA could simply switch their targets to prestigious offices in the provinces .
3 Such posts as this were intended for the sons of the well-heeled or at least the well-connected .
4 In the west , a woman could only have an abortion if this were approved by a doctor on medical , genetic or psychological grounds .
5 The original enquiries about this were directed to the County Surveyor 's Department , but I now understand that the work on the boundary sign was done on behalf of the County Planning Department .
6 In the mid-1940s , explanations for this were offered in the form of theories which presented anatomical features as the cause of the blacks ' advantages .
7 Some interesting reasons for this were suggested in The Observer in 1986 .
8 Children whose first language was not English were excluded from the sample .
9 His skilful efforts to put the Assembly in the wrong were abetted by the deputies ' seeming determination to alienate the masses from the regime , attempts which culminated in an electoral law of 1850 which disenfranchised some 3,000,000 voters on the basis of a residence qualification .
10 The apostles and the communities of the faithful were driven by the Spirit , faith and the knowledge of the Risen Lord .
11 Only four men aged between eighteen and forty-five were described in the returns as farmers .
12 I am not drawing comparisons here , I am just making the point that 500-plus were lost in the Battle of Britain and nearly 700 were lost at Nuremburg on one raid .
13 Two people died and 542 were injured in the London terminus accident .
14 It was not officially ‘ discovered ’ until the 1970s , when a few were brought to the United States .
15 A number of documents concerning trading contacts between the two countries in 1993 were signed at the meeting .
16 For the time being at least this was almost exactly how the French were regarded by the Americans in Vietnam : of little or no account and if not exactly in the ‘ out ’ tray at best their position was ‘ pending ’ .
17 Wilson claimed that at least 30 were promoted by the Shipping Federation alone .
18 In her research into the effects of divorce on children , Mitchell ( 1985 ) found that some siblings had been divided between the two parents , though some were reunited after the divorce .
19 The rings were used in a variety of ways : some were worn on the arm or wrist ; others appear to be the frames for the mouths of pouches which are often found to contain small metal items ; a third use was as a girdle hanger .
20 For example , some were moved to the edges of the older urban cores as a result of the construction of peripheral public-housing schemes in the 1960s and early 1970s .
21 Most households left the cities through unplanned decentralization , but some were moved as a result of specific planning policies .
22 Some were observed with every group they taught whilst others had very few visits to lessons .
23 Some had a heavy , lizard-like form , some were shaped like a crocodile , and many were small and bipedal .
24 Some were dragged by a foot still caught in the stirrup , round in a circle in the turf .
25 Q Our Piranhas have recently bred and we have a few fry left ( some were eaten by a Plec , which was in turn eaten by the Piranhas ) .
26 Subsequently , while the total number of 110mph trains was retained some were withdrawn from the Glasgow service in favour of key Manchester and Liverpool business trains .
27 A sign of the importance attached to shells at this time is that some were obtained from a distance .
28 Many specimens are made from mammoth ivory , but some were made from a variety of stones or even from fired clay .
29 Even big tough men have teddies hidden away somewhere , and some were brought into the open at the Didcot Railway Centre Teddy Bears Picnic .
30 Most of the dressers were on a basic daily rate but some were paid on a measure of their work done .
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