Example sentences of "[adj] were [verb] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The Russian frontier , running some 1,450km/900mls from Memel on the Baltic Sea to the Bukovina in northern Romania , was highly vulnerable to a German attack southward from East Prussia , especially if this were matched by an Austrian advance northward from Galicia .
2 The reasons for this were linked to the financial relationship between central and local government .
3 Exceptions to this were found in the older family where the wife had always been active and continued to work into her 70's , and where a specialised product like cheese was being produced for farm gate sales .
4 The English were taught in a different school to the Chinese .
5 The English were faced by the different physical conditions and social organisation of the countries which they invaded .
6 Very few were included in the initial lists of historic buildings and as a result a very large number have been demolished .
7 Equally , I suspect a good few were left with an uneasy feeling in the pit of their stomachs .
8 The French were crushed by the native forces and the Americans were forced to move in to take their place in order to safe-guard their investment , going a little deeper into the quicksand .
9 False atrocity stories , misguidedly spread to encourage a spirit of resistance , and well-founded rumours that the French were waiting on the far side of the Channel to launch a second invasion added to the prevailing gloom and when , on what the diarist Horace Walpole described as ‘ Black Friday ’ , people in London learned that the Jacobites were already at Derby something approaching panic swept the capital .
10 Some were based on the pre-war zaibatsu family-run conglomerates , others are centred on a big manufacturer such as Toyota , Nippon Steel or Matsushita .
11 Measurements of remanent magnetism in a variety of volcanic rocks found on the continents had shown that some were magnetized in the opposite direction to the Earth 's present magnetic field .
12 Many of the vehicles found their way back to the West , some were delivered to the Middle East and some to the Soviet Union .
13 The possibility that some were produced in a royal secretariat can not be totally excluded , although the evidence for the existence of such an office under Cnut is far from compelling .
14 There are hints that certain sets of dies were used to decorate pots made from specific fabrics , while some were retained for a later occasion and occur again on another fabric .
15 Young people approaching the age when they would no longer be the formal responsibility of the local authorities became the primary consumers of residential care for several reasons : first , many had been placed with a family and temporary readmission to residential care was needed when such placements broke down ; second , some did not wish to join a new family and preferred group living amongst other young people and appointed caregivers ; and third , some were admitted to a residential setting for help with specific problems or as part of a strategy to prepare them for independent living .
16 You probably remember , erm , a stimulating little book published last year by Frank on the Impulse to Philanthropy , where certainly in his nineteenth century analysis of the growth of philanthropy , he saw to main things , evangelicalism , which er , meant that people were going out looking for converts , and therefore doing good social work on the way , and the growth of the women 's movement , in the sense that women otherwise unemployed were looking for a new area of activity to get into .
17 Swimmers old and new are being urged to book early for courses at Berwick Hills pool , Middlesbrough , as hundreds were enrolled on a previous programme .
18 The following were listed as the key points in economic construction during the coming decade and the eighth five-year plan period : strengthening agriculture ; strengthening the basic industries and infrastructure and reorganizing and transforming the processing industry ; and strengthening educational , scientific and technological undertakings .
19 The other Nobel prizes for 1991 were announced by the relevant Swedish academies between Oct. 3 and Oct. 16 : ( i ) Literature — Nadine Gordimer , the South African novelist whose " magnificent epic writing " had as its central theme the consequences of apartheid ; ( ii ) Medicine — Erwin Neher and Bert Sakmann , German scientists working on the function of single ion channels in cell physiology ; ( iii ) Economics — Ronald Coase , the veteran UK-born member of the Chicago school and theorist of transaction costs and property rights , relevant to how buyers and sellers are brought together in the free market ; ( iv ) Physics — Pierre-Gilles de Gennes , the French scientist , for his work on applying the study of order and behavioural similarities in molecules to a range of complex materials ; and ( v ) Chemistry — Richard R. Ernst , the Swiss researcher , for contributions to high-resolution nuclear magnetic resonance ( NMR ) spectroscopy .
20 One person died and 26 were injured in the 1985 bombings .
21 Three people died and 10 were injured in a four-vehicle crash at Stonham , near Ipswich , Suffolk , yesterday .
22 A further six were excluded from the audiometric analysis because of unreliable preoperative audiometric data , leaving 118 in the adenoidectomy group and 73 in the other .
23 Three Israeli soldiers were killed and six were wounded in a further bomb attack and gun battle near Aramta on Oct. 29 .
24 He coached abroad on a number of occasions , always refusing any kind of payment , even for his expenses , and his three visits to Harvard between 1896 and 1898 were rewarded by an honorary degree .
25 Alas , they failed to make a complete list and about 60 names of the fallen were left off the temporary plaque .
26 Also , although some of the demands which had been made in 1381 were echoed in the later risings , in none of them was there anything so clear-cut in the way of a social programme as the demands put forward at Mile End and Smithfield .
27 The death of 46 soldiers was confirmed by the government , which claimed also that the attack had been led by women cadres , that at least 25 LTTE rebels were killed in the raid , and that a further 100 were killed during a subsequent army assault on rebel camps near Iyakachchi .
28 ‘ The Catholic Church … was unique among the larger religious bodies by the fact that so many of the most devout were drawn from the working-class and even from the poor . ’
29 For 1969–83 registrations at age 15–24 were obtained from the Northern Region Cancer Registry and ( for 1969–73 in what is now South Cumbria ) the North Western Regional Cancer Registry ; in general , no further effort was made to ascertain cases .
30 Accelerated growth of algae partially poisoned with copper sulphate has been claimed when these were treated with a 30th potency of copper sulphate , but Moss was not able to repeat this work .
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