Example sentences of "[adj] or [adv] [art] same [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I would obtain three or more the same size and allow them to grow up and pair off naturally .
2 Man is a god in ruins , thought Emerson , and perhaps at the end of the twentieth century much the same could be said of his world , a still beautiful but ravaged paradise which , regardless of the tenets of sustainable development will not be passed on to the next century in better or even the same condition , in fact , almost certainly in worse condition as a result of meeting the needs of another billion or so people .
3 I had dressed as well as I could that morning , in more or less the same stuff I 'd worn for Grandma Margot 's funeral .
4 Now he appears as a policeman , but in more or less the same character , as the star of his own series .
5 Damage is calculated in more or less the same way as a stone thrower .
6 It was then widely believed that the universe was static , yet if space , and particularly time , were curved back on themselves , how could the universe continue forever in more or less the same state as it is at the present time ?
7 The universe existed and would continue to exist forever in more or less the same state as it is today .
8 The principal objective of the budget was to hold the public deficit for 1990 at more or less the same level in absolute terms as for 1989 , thereby reducing it from 11 per cent to 10.4 per cent of gross domestic product ( GDP ) .
9 But there was still you know a substantial It was more or less the same case as we had before in terms of the traffic relief that each afforded and the economic rates of return .
10 They all wanted to know more or less the same thing : ‘ What is this tunnel thing about ? ’
11 Were looking at the body beautiful and what we do to achieve it , we all arrived in the world with more or less the same package of features , limbs , faces , torso 's , since then , all of us I bet have tried to improve or disguise the way we look , what do we do ? , why do we do it ? , well let's start with a few questions , er , are you , well let me ask you this do you have a beautiful body ? , button one for yes , and button two for no
12 Instead you should use the command SUBST A : B : / B : A : / which does more or less the same job .
13 They also adopted a different approach to that adopted by Lyell J , but they all came up with more or less the same figure at the end of the day , around £54,000 .
14 Although they describe harvest feasts in an opposed manner , Leapor and Duck are engaged in more or less the same argument .
15 Indeed , the threatened coal strike of 1925 , which occurred at more or less the same time , seemed to confirm this impression .
16 Miss Kenton and my father had arrived at the house at more or less the same time — that is to say , the spring of 1922 — as a consequence of my losing at one stroke the previous housekeeper and under-butler .
17 ( Johnston 1976 , p. 217 ) At more or less the same time , Laura Mulvey took the discussion of women 's desire and fantasy out of the realm of the ideological/symbolic .
18 When both partners retire at more or less the same time , the adjustment is often easiest to organise .
19 At more or less the same time , a heroin injector from Liverpool , who had also been dealing to finance his own habit , moved house to one of Wirral 's more affluent townships and began dealing in heroin on a large scale-in ounces and half-ounces .
20 Is there any reason why the same debate , or a debate on the same question , should not be conducted at more or less the same time in a great number of different places ?
21 It is no coincidence that expressions of the ‘ pro-Palestinian ’ and ‘ pro-Zionist ’ factions have occurred in rival publications at more or less the same time .
22 Amaranth fell into a gentle sleep at more or less the same time as did the bulk of Sir Teddy Taylor 's conference audience .
23 Er , the truth about genetics was discovered more or less the same time Darwin put forward his theory in the early eighteen sixties by who was er erm carried out erm experiments in sweetpeas in the monastery garden and apparently sent a copy of his paper to Darwin .
24 Partly this was a matter of timing : both approaches penetrated the mainstream of macroeconomics at more or less the same time .
25 Other phrases with more or less the same meaning are nihil obstat ( ‘ nothing hinders ’ ) and cum licentia ( ‘ with licence ’ or ‘ with permission ’ ) .
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