Example sentences of "[adj] or [adv] [prep] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Correspondingly acquisition is different from storage in that the latter implies a formal recording possibly in short-term or possibly in long-term memory .
2 Grossly updating our estimation of surviving Airspeed Oxfords , Jonathan Spinks has found a cache of no less than four substantially complete ( see photos ) airframes and six or so in poor condition at a site in Canada .
3 I 'll tell you what else you can do ; you can make half a dozen or so of those currant buns of yours and take them with you on Saturday as a kind of present for the lady . ’
4 They will either complain of nothing at all or perhaps of vulval soreness and a nasty discharge in that area .
5 ‘ A woman whose response to Chernobyl is that only thirty-one people were killed , who can dismiss as unimportant one of the world 's greatest nuclear disasters which put thousands in hospital , exposed a hundred thousand or more to dangerous radioactivity , devastated vast areas of land , and may result in deaths from cancer amounting to fifty thousand over the next fifty years , is totally unsuitable to be trusted to work in an atomic power station .
6 We had looked for some impact from the presence of women in senior positions in school , but the highest percentage of women at Scale 4 or above in any school was 35 per cent .
7 The indexer has access to schedules that the searcher in general does not have available online or even in printed form ; thus there is likely to be a mismatch between the indexers ' and searchers ' perspectives .
8 They regarded him as something more or less from outer space , and it was a long time before he and his family felt themselves to be part of the community .
9 Since for each item there is a 50 per cent chance of a correct response simply by guessing , children with scores of 8 or less on any set are regarded as in need of retesting , while very low scores ( 0–1 ) indicate that the child is systematically misunderstanding the meanings to be derived from word order .
10 Looking to his players ' financial welfare , Chapman got the go-ahead from the League to launch a savings scheme whereby £ 1 or so from each man 's wages was kept in the Arsenal ‘ bank ’ to earn 6 per cent interest , the scheme covering junior players as well .
11 There are usually very many muscles — up to 2000 or so in some Lepidopteran larvae — and the system is bilaterally symmetrical .
12 ‘ Sorry , Leonora , but you look about twelve or so in this light . ’
13 Dermatologists recommend : stay inside when the sun rays are strongest and make sure you wear a factor 15 or more on exposed skin .
14 The basic tax would assume there were two or more in each household .
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