Example sentences of "[adj] as [pers pn] [verb] for the " in BNC.

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1 This is fairer as it allows for the fact that fewer overs remain in which the chasing team can attack , but does not set a rate out of proportion with the course of the match up to the time of the stoppage .
2 Without the villus a visitor would see very little in Wilpattu , though occasionally a day-hunting leopard will step out on the road , or a sloth bear stand 6 ft ( 1.8 m ) high as it reaches for the fruit , honey or tree termites on which these fierce-looking predators feed .
3 Whole supermarkets in the Valley were stripped of their provender in a decorous food riot by the affluent , loading up their Wagoneers with Porterhouse and T-bone as they headed for the hills .
4 The other girl made no attempt to hide her disgust as she turned back to the books lying before her on the table , and Rory felt her spirits sink still further as she headed for the door .
5 ‘ Hauptsturmführer Vaughan will remain and test-fly the plane now and as much as he wants for the rest of the day .
6 If you leave , if you leave let's say if you get caught and sent back then you 're gon na get back you know twice as much as you had for the reason for leaving .
7 It is now getting dark as we settle for the night in the German slit trenches and I share a trench with three French Commandos .
8 Bored as he waits for the liquid to boil , eyed admiringly by his pint-sized partner , he plays with wooden spills , dipping them into the solution and passing them through the flame beneath .
9 The cello concerto swelling through the house , the briny tang of the scallops in their marinade , doors opening and closing as he searched for the missing due .
10 AS GOOD as it got for the deranged Los Angeles combo .
11 A major emphasis was placed on Intercession and listening to God This was invaluable as we prepared for the first section of outreach in Budapest , Hungary .
12 Just as long as you look for the Cotton USA Mark .
13 William Horwood 's fantastical DUNCTON TALES ( Fontana , £4.99 ) takes his moles on a further quest fighting evil as they search for the book of stones .
14 Her next test will be in the UK championships in Sheffield on June 6 as she prepares for the defence of her English Schools title at Hull on July 10/11 .
15 The barely acknowledged hope caused her heart to beat faster as she reached for the first round iron latch .
16 I want to say in conclusion that it has as many consequences for the devout Evangelical as it does for the hardened Catholic .
17 The number is easy to divide by 8 as it consists for the most part of successive multiples of 8 .
18 Her attacker got a 2 month suspended sentence ; the same as he got for the original theft .
19 Well , you take that out of the stream , take it home , bake it , powder it and put it in a box ; and you use oils with it the same as you do for the milch .
20 Straight and fast flew Bower-bird as he made for the mountain top .
21 The ‘ Snap ’ camera was used with the supplied software , ( not suitable as it stood for the required measuring instrument ) .
22 This series of squares is disquieting as it heads for the horizon unless it allows for the curvature of the Earth .
23 A harmless grass snake , I concluded , although I must admit that the proximity of the Reptile Centre did make me a touch more circumspect than usual as I made for the summit .
24 Or to reverse it , could it be that in the deepening turbulence of our generation God is not only judging a culture which has abandoned him but also , as it were , shaking up the bag and testing the foundations to see if we Christians are as ready as we think for the critical years ahead ?
25 I felt frightened as I waited for the mysterious man .
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