Example sentences of "[adj] they could [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 It will be a whole lot clearer to you then , but it 's there basically because it was asked for , it 's inadequate because that was all they could do on the day , having been instructed to provide it .
2 In the spring of 1956 both London and Washington decided that all they could do for the moment was to allow the Aswan offer to " wither on the vine " .
3 While , understandably , this mild recommendation was all they could make in the circumstances , there is no disguising the fact that , for the next five years at least , non-advanced further education in Wales badly needs the infusion of more resources .
4 ‘ We should have looked first ! ’ he declared abjectly when all they could see of the scene below and beyond was of rooftops and forest shrouded in mist and rain .
5 Between them they supplied all they could remember of the encounter by the roped-off enclosure above the river .
6 She had also read about old people 's homes that ruthlessly exploited their pensioners : unscrupulous proprietors grabbed all they could squeeze from the social services but gave little back to the residents ; they cut corners on staff , food , laundry , and amenities and added to their profits by pocketing the difference between their sparse expenditures and the sums they actually received .
7 Never lay crops directly on the floor where it is possible they could suffer from the effects of damp and poor air circulation , and arrange produce according to its preference : the roots nearer to the cool floor , and onions and marrows close to the ceiling where it is slightly warmer .
8 The police say the best they could do with the car travelling at such high speeds was to keep track of it .
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