Example sentences of "[adj] that in many [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 When we look back to the present , it will be perfectly clear that in many sectors of the economy , the recovery has indeed started .
2 Such criticism was premature , as it is now clear that in many parts of the world long dead-straight trackways were laid out and , in several cases , are still used .
3 The development of flexible endoscopy , which allows pancolonic biopsy , has supported this finding and has led to a change in practice such that in many centres at risk patients are examined at intervals , with colonoscopy and biopsy , to detect premalignant dysplasia or early cancer .
4 Is my right hon. Friend aware that in many parts of the Yorkshire and Humberside region unemployment is significantly lower than it was at the time of the previous election , and that what the regional CBI fears above all else is the havoc that would be caused by a Labour Government , with their commitment to a statutory minimum wage , which would wipe out so many jobs , and to the European Community social chapter , which would make British industry uncompetitive in world terms ?
5 But I believe it to be true that in many corners of Christendom spiritual warfare is no longer a central concern .
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