Example sentences of "[adj] for the [noun pl] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 The North Sea is obviously so shaped that very strong northerly winds can cause a piling up of water in the southern part of the sea , either because the escape route through the Straits of Dover is narrow , or because it is quite possible for the winds in the North Sea to be predominantly northerly while the winds in the English Channel are predominantly westerly .
2 A text frequently has a much wider variety of interpretations imposed upon it by analysts studying it at their leisure , than would ever have been possible for the participants in the communicative interaction which gives rise to the ‘ text ’ .
3 It was agreed that ( i ) a system of proportional representation in the Assembly of the Republic ( legislature ) would be adopted ; ( ii ) legislative and presidential elections would be held simultaneously within one year of the signing of a ceasefire accord , although this deadline could be extended ; ( iii ) presidential candidates would be at least 35 years old and their candidacies supported by a minimum of 10,000 signatures ; ( iv ) the minimum voting age and that for the representatives in the Assembly would be 25 years , although there was an expectation that these would be reduced to 18 years after the first set of elections ; ( v ) a National Electoral Commission , one-third of whose members would be appointed by the MNR , would organize the electoral process , determining for example the number of seats per region ; and ( vi ) the government would assist the MNR to secure appropriate facilities to carry out its political work in at least every provincial capital .
4 The test is a series of movements in walk , trot and canter and you get marked for the movements in the test .
5 He can only highlight the atmosphere supporting the plot , especially those circumstances where he has to portray differences between classes and thus general behaviour , idiosyncrasies , etc. , for example the contrast that must be made between the dances for all and sundry in the town square and those for the aristocrats in the ballroom of Romeo and Juliet .
6 The direction of the seif dunes shows the direction of the prevailing wind , which is also responsible for the barchans in the troughs , where the effects of strong winds from another quarter are not felt .
7 This house believes that the British Govt. was solely responsible for the improvements in the quality of life of the British working class in the 19th Century .
8 The Grand Almoner was the Archbishop of Paris , who was assisted by a vicar-general and five chaplains who were responsible for the services in the chapels of the Imperial residences .
9 It is therefore unlikely that microsporidia were responsible for the symptoms in a relevant proportion of the patients reported here , especially thse at early disease stages and those without detectable secondary infection , as intestinlam microsporidiosis is apparently associated with low CD4 counts in the peripheral blood .
10 He expected no less for the children in the classroom .
11 Sequential data were not available for the patients in the control group who were intubated and ventilated , nor for the NIPPV patients who could not be treated with nasal ventilation .
12 ‘ Of course the fees will be much higher for the children in the higher tier , probably around $1,000 a year , ’ she says .
13 This was all very worrying for the reformers in the government who though applauding the young people 's sense of nationalistic duty rejected their misgivings about the open-door policy .
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