Example sentences of "[adj] and [vb pp] at [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Mauléon also has a rather wonderful Renaissance chateau in the centre of the town , with a roof to remember , a good thirty feet high and pitched at an angle of 75 degrees .
2 His requirements are not modest : he would like a building of 3500 to 5000 square metres , acquired , staffed and maintained at the expense of the British government .
3 Different types of management experience were integrated into a set of principles which were all interrelated and presented at a level of generality which made them as widely applicable as possible .
4 A number of matters which were implemented towards the end of 1991 and concluded at the beginning of 1992 were touched upon in last year 's report .
5 The AFTA formula had been proposed by Thailand in 1991 and approved at a meeting of Asean Economics Ministers in Malaysia in October [ see p. 38535 ] .
6 Another design that was to remain a firm favourite was the waterproof snow boot — fur-lined , with suede on the outside and fastened at the front or side with a zip .
7 I am sure she speaks for many people in the village who are alarmed and distressed at the school conflict , of which they have probably been aware only since the parents ' petition .
8 Community-based nurses have understandably been feeling nervous and unsettled at the prospect of an uncharted future , and late last year , in order to allay these feelings , the UKCC distributed a consultation document to all members of the profession , inviting them to comment on the proposals .
9 She felt infantilised by them , but also felt bitterly that they were not fair , and she was bored and frightened at the thought of remaining bored all her life .
10 Expanded and renovated at a cost of C$58 million , but over 50% of staff laid off
11 She was staring wide-eyed and frightened at the supper room 's open doorway which , like a proscenium arch , framed the Highland dancers and , quite suddenly , now also framed her lover .
12 All too often the profit earned on an individual house or indeed a development as a whole is less than would have been made if the site had merely been left undeveloped and sold at the end of the development period .
13 He was cold and hurt at the end of the run-through , knowing what was wrong and unable to admit it .
14 St Michael 's Church — ‘ a gem of Baroque Moravian architecture ’ — was firmly shut and St Wenceslas Cathedral , founded in 1109 and rebuilt at the end of the last century on a vast neo-Gothic scale , was dark , impressive and so cold inside it made your head ache .
15 Given our account of causal circumstances , that is fundamentally to say , in line with the independent conditional ( 5 ) set out in Section I .3 and mentioned at the beginning of this section , that for a to have the power to produce b is for roughly this to be true : if A & C , even if X , still B — where C asserts the existence of other conditions or events .
16 She could not but be gratified and relieved at the possibility of a small sum to see her through the likely lean period before she could get another post .
17 ‘ Seton was jealous and hurt at the King 's passion for Queen Yolande .
18 I felt angry and humiliated at the time of the argument but I can guess at how he must have felt .
19 They are kindly , educated people many of whom have spent their lives helping others and to whom fate has dealt a cruel , unexpected blow , leaving them bereaved and frightened at a time of approaching frailty .
20 Any anxiety state and/or depression suffered by the insured and diagnosed at the time of purchasing this insurance .
21 I was amazed and terrified at the change I had so casually brought about in her .
22 ‘ Yes , ’ said Gabriel , both excited and frightened at the prospect .
23 An old woman , armed with a Sound Guide , became quite excited and pulled at the arm of another .
24 Maltote , watched by all , loaded the arbalest and aimed at the door .
25 If you lay on the ground whining it incensed them and the subsequent kicks and punches were harder and aimed at the mouth and head rather than the stomach and back .
26 In full face the nose was revealed as a little too wide and flattened at the base and the dark eyes , which when he was animated took on a fierce , almost manic gleam , in repose were pools of puzzled endurance .
27 Jitters leaned close and spat at the cowboy .
28 In another area very dependent on tourism , the southwest of England , the eight million tourists who visited the area in 1973 spent 227 million and employed at the peak of the season 100,000 people ( South West Economic Planning Council , 1976 ) .
29 On appeal , this assumption could be shown to be false and the village ends up with a significant new development site ; it is this type of appeal decision which leaves the layman surprised and frustrated at the way in which the system operates .
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