Example sentences of "[adj] and [vb past] [pron] [verb] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 I landed 'im one for that and bowled him clean over — now he 's grinning on t' other side of 'is face !
2 Though I was tired and begged you to leave off .
3 My wife and I are staying at the Danieli , but she 's not been feeling well and urged me to take up the offer of an observer 's seat here . ’
4 When she saw a test of it she was extremely pleased and told him to run off a few hundred yards .
5 He saw I was little wiser and slowed his breathing down .
6 The old lady fetched out another plate and cup and saucer , then she checked that our hands were clean and told us to sit down .
7 Two days ago , after his daughter had told him her story , he had immediately contacted an enquiry agent whom he knew to be trustworthy and told him to find out all that he could about Dr Neil Cochrane , Sir Alastair Cochrane 's younger brother .
8 There followed a short lull , but from 1620 onwards a succession of attacks by small formations of S.79s commenced but all were successfully beaten off , mainly by the intense gunfire of the ships , although Yellow Section of 808 Squadron , two Fulmars flown by Lt. A.T.J. Kindersley and Lt. Hay , R.M. , caught one bomber at 1710 and claimed it shot down .
9 She saw that I was looking pale and vacant and told me to sit down .
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