Example sentences of "[adj] and [vb past] [pers pn] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He did not like this and changed them for two of the same length .
2 I have no idea how I was , although Jack and my relieved director assured me that the audience had just been coolly first-nightish and we , the cast , had stayed calm and thawed them into real pleasure and ultimate Rejoycing .
3 I put off going to the doctor but I wish I had n't because my GP immediately knew what was wrong and told me about carpal tunnel syndrome .
4 Indeed , Hamilton suggested crisply that they had got it wrong and left it at that .
5 And things like Time Out and so on , and City Limits , tried on the listings in the culture front seem to be seduced by , on the one hand , the need to simply provide information in terms of the listings , or then they felt some kind of twinge of conscience and had to be counter-balanced by radical politics on the other side , which produced a completely split , a paper that you could tear in half and read it as two sort of separate things , and erm and they always erm and something like that always felt
6 What is , however , a matter of concern is that within days of receiving and failing to reply to that letter , on 23 October 1991 , the local authority moved the children from the family friends with whom they had lived since 17 July 1991 and placed them with foster parents .
7 He thus pioneered in this country the discursive , witty , exuberant , and surrealist style of humour he bequeathed to his close friend J. B. Morton [ q.v. ] , who took the column over in 1924 and developed it through half a century into an art form .
8 The Dane Valdemar Poulsen invented his ‘ Telegraphone ’ in 1898 and patented it in 1900 , but ( as with commercial electrical recording ) amplification was needed before it could become practicable .
9 If parents wished their son to become a Scribe they took him to Jerusalem at the age of thirteen and enrolled him in one of the Rabbinical schools .
10 Part of the cuff was visible and reminded him of Middy sleeping under the quilt .
11 The visit to Wagner 's Swiss home , Tribschen , in mid-May was the first of over twenty such visits made between 1869 and 1872 , the year in which first BT appeared and then , a few months later , Wagner , with his wife Cosima , moved to illegitimate daughter of Franz Liszt and wife of Wagner 's friend Hans von Bulow , eloped with Wagner in 1866 and married him in 1870 .
12 He evidently intended that this should be the royal priest Eadsige , who took over some of Æthelnoth 's duties in 1035 and succeeded him in 1038 .
13 And wrote it like that and published it like that .
14 He was a bright boy , good at his lessons , but she told him that cleverness was only a virtue if you worked hard and used it to good purpose .
15 He wadded the money up tight and shoved it into one of the pouches on his Sam Browne belt .
16 The new army had to hold the Western Front after the demoralization of the French , following General Nivelle 's failed offensive of 16 April-21 May 1917 and did it with such success , that Allied victory became a possibility in 1918 .
17 Avoiding Richard , who got to his feet as soon as he saw something to be carried , she kicked open the top of the Arctic and flung them in golden handfuls onto the glowing bed of fuel .
18 An individual who bought the FT All Share Index at 31 March 1982 and sold it on 31 August 1989 would have suffered tax ( at 40% and ignoring the annual exemption ) of 24.2% of the proceeds .
19 She felt a warm rush of gratitude for his sensitivity as he kissed and played with her in a teasing , light-hearted way which both excited and disarmed her at first .
20 He dragged the 18-year-old girl to a nearby common and forced her into humiliating sex acts for more than an hour while the three-month-old baby she had been caring for lay alone in the house .
21 He argues that the traditional forms of representative government , which effectively excluded the popular masses or isolated and controlled them through local notables , is ‘ no longer an adequate instrument ’ .
22 The other crew members all felt the same and said it in different ways .
23 The Cleveland Search and Rescue team , lead by local member Gary Finch , quickly located the remaining two and rescued them within 90 minutes .
24 As the more doggedly political of the two , Reid in particular despised Richard Branson as an ‘ entrepreneur hippie ’ who had sold out everything that was exciting and subversive about the Sixties and turned it into big business .
25 When the flowers had been made , she dyed them yellow , pink , orange and scarlet and mounted them among evergreen twigs of laurel .
26 For Dr Neil the feel of her , so soft , the scent of her hair , and of McAllister herself , was so wild and sweet and struck him with such force that his breathing grew a little ragged and his body reminded him of how long it had been since he had satisfied it .
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