Example sentences of "[adj] and [adv] [verb] the [det] " in BNC.

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1 The simplest method of calculating the price index for 1985 is to find the total of the unit prices charged in 1984 ( by adding up the three prices for that year ) and the total of the unit prices charged in 1985 and then to express the latter as a percentage of the former .
2 In the first car he was stopped ten or more times for no reason at all and always asked the same questions : is this your car … are you sure that it 's your car … are you sure it is n't a stolen car , and then asked to produce his driving documents .
3 Shares , goes the patter , are products like any other and so deserve the same marketing effort .
4 I have always had reasonable live-in accommodation ( having inspected it before accepting a position ) and , although on certain days I have worked non-stop , on others I have been very quiet and still received the same salary .
5 An intent to cause injury by shock is sufficient and apparently means the same as an intent to cause injury to the person ( R v Rapier [ 1980 ] Crim LR 48 ) .
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