Example sentences of "[adj] and [verb] for the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He prepared the altar for Mass , opened the-door and waited for the small trickle of his congregation to enter .
2 Determined , eager , brave and lusting for the real thing ,
3 Mrs McNee said she had watched her children become disillusioned and despondent and feared for the long-term effects on their emotional as well as physical health .
4 They were waiting to pounce , I know it ; that 's how they live ; they hang about in the dark , watching ( such a creature will see in the dark , never fear ) and listening and feeling for the minuscule rise in temperature and small vibrations which signal a passing vascular system , then they hop on board and they … suck .
5 Immortality is for Tithonus a punishment , it is cold and silent whereas death is warm and inviting for the old man .
6 They could either follow their husbands into battle , taking their children with them , or they could stay at home , unprotected and unsupported and wait for the pillaging Parliamentarians or the papist Royalists to capture them and confiscate their property .
7 The computer operator in the station made another call to the ambulance service telling them that the situation was very serious and asking for the estimated time of arrival of the ambulance .
8 Avoid these and go for the grilled items — possibles are poussins or chicken breast , game such as pheasant , partridge or guinea fowl , or , if you do n't have ethical qualms , lean veal .
9 In fact , you can argue and remonstrate until you are blue in the face but certain plans or arrangements can not be progressed just yet and you must simply sit tight and wait for the Full Moon in Aries on the 14th before making any drastic changes or decisions .
10 * Care for the Elderly and Hope for the Hurt Mind
11 2Care* * Care for the Elderly and Hope for the Hurt Mind
12 Tens means more running rugby and more rough and tumble for the top 16 sides in England .
13 He also spoke of lying awake and listening for the flying bombs , and noting the difference in volume between one explosion and another , and then , on hearing one more definite in sound , concluding that , as in the old artillery box-barrage , they had at last ‘ got the range ’ .
14 Any change would of course be a small one and would only be seen in candidates adopted after the " new regime " of 1911 and fighting for the marginal industrial seats of the North .
15 Apparently it is too old-fashioned and cluttered for the great master to have had anything to do with it — despite the fact that Lord Burlington , the aristocratic architect , was convinced of his having designed it .
16 In the public sector , sources of money will often be precise and known for the forthcoming year .
17 You could take home just a few to cut open and look for the young larva or larvae , as in some types of gall there is always more than one larva , each in its own separate section .
18 As a generalisation it is fairly easy to select a number of easy to keep hardy fish while many invertebrates especially coelenterates ( corals and anemones ) are more difficult and demanding for the inexperienced .
19 SHORT , SWEET AND RELAXING For the busy professional , weekend breaks may be more feasible than longer holidays .
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