Example sentences of "[adj] and [adj] [verb] the [det] " in BNC.

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1 ( How duncical , by the way , for both French and English to retain the same phrase .
2 In the idealised world of childhood , to which I was trying to get or get back , neither death nor sexuality existed except as unwarranted intrusions , and all was a paradisal oneness , where to be individual and autonomous meant the same as to be accepted and understood .
3 Information given in the recall protocols was categorized into central and peripheral using the same technique .
4 Rich and poor eat the same dishes … ’
5 Or would it be like the British poll tax , with rich and poor paying the same subject to a complicated system of rebates ?
6 The fifty orphans all aged between eight and twelve made the most of their last day in Malvern Wells .
7 The fifty orphans all aged between eight and twelve made the most of their last day in Malvern Wells .
8 Bowled over by the originality and assurance of Joyce 's Ulysses , which was being sent to him by the author in typescript section by section , Pound was between 1920 and 1922 dismantling the several hundred lines of The Cantos that he had written and published , and recasting them radically , using some of the same material but trying for a less personalized presentation .
9 The duty officer was DC Holman , a local man , young enough to be ambitious and anxious to make the most of this chance to work with the crime squad .
10 In my own particular section of the clothing and textiles the union fought long and hard to gain the same rights and conditions for temporary workers , and so leading to permanent employment in most cases .
11 Workers in the pharmaceutical industry and in laboratories obviously have to be knowledgeable and skilled to avoid the many chemical hazards which can threaten the safety of their environment .
12 Variants of the Light Rifle are currently available for the ZX Spectrum , Commodore VIC-20 and Commodore 64 and all perform the same function .
13 Each was a romantic saga in miniature and each had the same basic plot : in a variety of vaguely 1930s settings , James played a wealthy philanderer who appeared to have a fetish about tea since the common feature of the married women he pursued was their taste for Trumper 's Tea Bags .
14 Even in the small and neutrally-minded states the same process of growth in the later nineteenth and early twentieth centuries can be seen .
15 To illustrate these principles , figures 1 and 2 show the same data from an Australian study of diet and cancer .
16 Channels two and three share the same basic set of controls .
17 Finally , although your readers will not doubt be aware the 2807 and 4277 share the same wheel arrangement and the same wheel diameter ( 4′8½″ on the driving wheels ) the rod sizes are different .
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