Example sentences of "[adj] of which be [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 The men then unloaded the corn into the side bays each of which was called the gof — or goafstead .
2 By now he was of an age to make his own decisions , the first of which was to marry the English girl to whom he had been engaged for two years .
3 Mrs Mary McDonald , Diocesan President , in her address to the members , reminded us of the aims and objects of the U.C.M. , one of which is to uphold the Sacramental Dignity of Marriage and to maintain Christian values in family life .
4 Spadefoot toads have a number of anti-predator tactics , one of which is to inflate the lungs and hence the body , which may fool the snake into thinking the toad is larger than it really is and act as a deterrent .
5 With a nice sense of timing the University allocated two extra rooms to the Collection , adjacent to the existing stackroom , one of which was designated the Old Vic Room .
6 Further changes were requested , one of which was to include the Scottish Crown in the four corners of the carpet , reflecting the one used on the ceiling of the Throne Room .
7 However , new research is confined to three studies , two of which are considering the question of protective clothing .
8 Attracted by the prospect of work during industrial expansion they migrated in their tens of thousands from the environs of East London and the eastern counties , both of which were suffering the effects of economic recession .
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