Example sentences of "[adj] was [adv] the [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 This was exactly the result that did occur .
2 This was also the year that the Ancient Order of Druids , Royal Jubilee Lodge , Henley , presented a silver cup donated by Brother George Blackham , to be played for annually between themselves and the Club .
3 This was also the case when external or internal politics , rather than commercial performance , seemed to be becoming a yardstick in financial allocations between Boards .
4 This was also the case when we asked about whether the police discri-minated against certain groups , two-thirds of Blacks and Whites believing this but only about one-third of Asians .
5 And this was also the drug that caused British weightlifters Andrew Saxton and Andrew Davies to be booted out of the Barcelona Olympics .
6 A small number of comments were not coded , this was generally the case when a comment did not refer to any potential or actual driving event , for example ‘ Have to remain vigilant ’ or ‘ Maintaining a steady speed ’ .
7 In Madrid , the new government of General Prim was equally aware that their actions would need to avoid giving offence to France and that this was particularly the case when it came to choosing a new monarch to replace the dethroned Isabella .
8 This was particularly the case when Marcia Williams , having been powerfully lobbied by Arnold Wesker , was determined to persuade Harold Wilson to bestow some extra support on ‘ Centre 42 ’ , which was Wesker 's notion of an organisation to supervise the growth of the arts in this country .
9 In the front line Vlasov was noted for wearing the plainest of khaki uniforms without decorations or insignia ; this was presumably the gymnastiorka and sharovari .
10 Emily felt angry words rise to her lips but quickly suppressed them , this was neither the time nor the place to argue Craig 's innocence .
11 But this was neither the time nor the place for a show-down — the score would have to be settled later .
12 This was clearly the role that Frobel et al .
13 well , yes sh yes well , this , well this was only the highlights unless the last two or three , no the last two or three parts have been live .
14 He told George Seferis that , in his prose writings , the need for honesty and clarity entailed the kind of elaborate elucidation which audiences found dull ; but this was now the manner that Eliot adopted , and it is possible to see the equivocations and hesitations of his later prose work as aspects of what was essentially a Socratic method of inquiry rather than an expression of caution or indecision .
15 In front of this was usually the atrium or forecourt .
16 It does not matter whether this was really the case or not , the apparent connection between the two shots will be accepted unless there are compelling reasons which suggest the contrary — an abrupt and illogical change of location for instance .
17 This was never the case and in the current working world it is even less so because of developing technology which has its impact on almost all jobs and also on the social context of work .
18 Of course , I 'm well aware that this was never the point and that posing potential is at maximum only when the guitar is strapped on and slung low .
19 This was certainly the case when some of Cromwell 's troops , returning from the Battle of Worcester , called in at Wilderhope because they knew that Thomas Smallman , a major in the Royalist army , would still be away .
20 It is no accident that there is a similarity between the diagnostic test , above , and the claim which used to be advanced in transformational grammar to the effect that an attributive adjective incorporated in a noun phrase is derived from some such structure as : ( 6 ) the N present BE ADJ This proposal was questioned quite early in the development of transformational grammar ( see Berman , 1974 ) , and a major reason for this was precisely the fact that too many phrases with attributive adjectives were discovered where the derivation does not seem to be usable ; as we shall see later , there are other reasons why such a derivation may not work , apart from the issue discussed here .
21 This was especially the case if it appeared that government legislation was being flouted .
22 This was especially the case when the relationship between lord and vassal was somewhat remote , either because the vassal was virtually independent of his lord , as were most of the vassals of the king of France , or because the vassal had many different lords .
23 This was especially the case when pragmatism was conjoined to a legal positivist outlook .
24 This was perhaps the final and clinching element of a strenuous programme of persuasion on the part of Gordon Thomas , for shortly after came the committee 's decision to go ahead at Foxton .
25 The outcome is quite unknown but Ceolred was unquestionably the invader and it should not be assumed that Ine won .
26 That was rather the impression that I gathered , sir , ’ the lawyer said with a lift of one ironic eyebrow .
27 ( If so , I thought that was just the problem that made it impossible to use Rocky … )
28 That was precisely the worry that was bothering her so much .
29 Pat saw just how true that was so the night that Ken was due to go out with one of his current close friends .
30 That was always the portrait that was painted by the right hon. Member for Finchley ( Mrs. Thatcher ) and I am afraid that that is occasionally true of the present Prime Minister also .
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