Example sentences of "[adj] is that the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 What is clear is that the financial cost of alcohol misuse to society as a whole runs into hundreds of millions of pounds each year .
2 This is very possible but , what is clear is that the only course open to you is to introduce your ferrets and hope that they will bolt a reasonable number of the occupants , since the depths involved make digging out impossible .
3 What is becoming increasingly clear is that the Labour party is trying to do nothing other than promote scare stories so as deliberately to frighten people who have traditionally relied on adult education courses .
4 What is absolutely clear is that the three prisoners have themselves vehemently protested their innocence from day one .
5 Rather , what this chapter has been concerned to make clear is that the potential impact of records of achievement , as well as that of the GCSE , can not be determined without making reference to both initiatives .
6 Over the years , I have seen so many private gardens and advised so many gardeners on labour-saving tools and equipment , and what comes through loud and clear is that the biggest problem facing gardeners is that they are caught in the trap between growing all they would like to grow , doing all they want to do and having the lime to do it .
7 There are other meanings to be drawn from this first sonnet , of course , but what is clear is that the poetic sequence of Astrophil and Stella may be seen announcing itself as a failure , a success , both , or neither .
8 What is clear is that the military origins of nuclear power in this country gave it a powerful boost as an infant technology , and that the umbilical cord has not been severed .
9 The main reason for this is that the simple plan and elevation of the original cathedral have become obscured by later work , for the cathedral was being continuously added to , altered and developed from the eleventh to the sixteenth century .
10 However , the consequence of doing this is that the current yield would then exhibit a saw-tooth pattern as shown in Fig. 5.2 .
11 The snag with this is that the suppressed feelings are still experienced internally rather than avoided or prevented .
12 The consequence of this is that the real wage level exceeds the equilibrium one so that there is , simultaneously , high real wages and unemployment .
13 Not surprisingly , one result of this is that the pyroclastic material erupted in a Surtseyan eruption is much more highly fragmented than that in a similar basaltic eruption taking place on land , and this in turn means that the deposits produced contain a much greater proportion of very small particles than their Strombolian counterparts .
14 One of the major problems with this is that the private benefits accruing to households or families who take up either family planning or conservation measures are often not clear — either as perceived to exist by households themselves or even as calculated by economic models .
15 One explanation for this is that the two bodies constituting Pluto were originally moons of Neptune , but that something tore them from the giant planet 's grasp — the converse of what is thought to have happened to Triton !
16 The reason for this is that the first layer atoms are shadowed by their neighbours along these principal axes and the projectile experiences a continuous potential that focuses it into a specular direction — ie θ = 2α .
17 The implication of this is that the traditional view of the collapse of the working-class family under the impact of industrialisation , as Engels , for instance , suggested in The Condition of the Working Class in England , is misleading .
18 The result of this is that the syntactic analyser will not be able to select the correct part of speech for the compound .
19 What we mean by this is that the lexical sub-system we use for recognising printed words in reading may be different from the sub-system we use for producing printed words in writing .
20 One consequence of this is that the sharp rise in the proportion of young couples in the owner-occupied sector over the post-war period ( and the even greater number who aspire to this sector ) must have had some effect in reinforcing fertility decline in Britain in recent decades although , of course , many developed countries have also experienced declines over this period , so it would be naive to emphasize this ( or indeed any single cause ) as the sole or primary explanation .
21 The reason for this is that the long run incentive to exploit a conflict of interest may not exist .
22 This is that the National Health Service is administered through regional health authorities , consisting of a small body of people appointed by the secretary of state .
23 A corollary of this is that the head office needs to have expert information and skills , needs to be an active participant in the formulation of strategies , and must therefore own a narrowly specialised core cluster of firmlets .
24 The message I draw from this is that the gay movement is not ultimately about the liberation of any particular sexuality but actually about the liberation of a whole set of relationships ; an affirmation of relationships which are sexual or non-sexual , relationships through which sexuality can be realized or transformed or denied or changed or just lived .
25 One result of this is that the pied flycatcher must be quick off the mark early in the season in order to get the most nutritious caterpillars .
26 The reason for this is that the outflowing rivers provide the sand that makes them good beaches .
27 What ensures this is that the ideological apparatus responds ( damnation , approbation , incarceration ) .
28 A major reason for this is that the high productivity of fully automated plants satisfies the basic consumption needs of workers but , instead of this leading to a high level of satisfaction , workers freed from the immediate concern of making ends meet are then able to pose what Mallet takes to be the more fundamental problem of their alienation from their work .
29 One reason for this is that the underlying causes for the West 's concern over the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait and for Washington 's original involvement have little to do with the security system it now wishes to see created .
30 Part of the reason for this is that the American professoriat is the largest in the world , while the American market for current art is unprecedented ; it is evident that the turnover of the American art market as a whole is the largest in the world .
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