Example sentences of "[adj] it [verb] [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In this it resembled the British constitution itself , which , as apo-logists delight in explaining to foreigners , is nowhere embodied in a single document having the force of law .
2 What was funny it made a loud noise but it hurt my ankle as well .
3 When I found some it had a strange smell — of sweet and sour sauce — and it seemed to be very moist .
4 He would analyse the paper sample , photograph and enlarge each individual letter and then mount them on a comparison chart , and the jury would pass it solemnly from hand to hand and wonder wily it needed a highly-paid expert to come and explain what anyone could see with his own eyes .
5 As such it presents an authentic record of early aviation in the local area , and although of limited general interest , it fills a gap in the country-wide documentation of aviation history in the UK .
6 As such it offers a wide range of services : ‘ These include hardware , consultancy , on-site training and a telephone support hotline , ’ says Peter Munson .
7 The announcement effectively signalled the government 's intention to end its state of war with mainland China and as such it removed a major obstacle to closer ties with the Chinese government .
8 In March 1991 it won an important case when the strongly integrationist European Court of Justice condoned Brussels ' ability to rule on public service monopolies without the approval of EC member states , despite the fact that the Court 's principal legal adviser , the Advocate General , called for the Commission 's powers to be restricted under Article 90 of the Treaty of Rome .
9 She opened her factory , Coade and Seely , in Lambeth in 1769 which at first , in keeping with the times , manufactured ornaments of classical inspiration , but by the 1840s it showed the pronounced influence of the early Victorian decorative style .
10 10 It enters the spinal cord through the dorsal root of the spinal nerve from where it passes through the white matter and into the grey matter .
11 Furthermore , in 1648 it passed a restrictive Blasphemy Act , which threatened those convicted of denying the central tenets of Christianity with death , and those dissenting from orthodox Calvinist theology with imprisonment .
12 In 1920 it routed a Polish army to the suburbs of Warsaw and at the end of the following year launched an invasion of the Menshevik Republic of Georgia after its government had quelled an internal Bolshevik uprising .
13 Work-wise it followed a similar pattern to the previous day .
14 The basis of all these systems is the alphabetical filing of names of either persons , places , things or subjects , and even when the system is numerical it requires an alphabetical index .
15 It was maintained with local support for the next three years , then in 1975 it acquired a three-year grant from the Council on Learning Resources ( CLR ) .
16 The aircraft was on charter to fly passengers from Norwich to Gothenburg , Sweden , and during the morning of 12 Dec 73 it made an uneventful positioning flight from Oslo , Norway , to Norwich where it landed at 1228 hours .
17 Close by reared the immense domed bulk of the Palais de Justice , a complex so large it covered a greater area than St Peter 's in Rome .
18 At best , this focused that subtle blend of doctrine and awareness of its living reality defended by Walter Hilton and Reginald Pecock , at worst it encouraged the superstitious substitute for the work of faith which was labelled idolatry by the Lollards , those enthusiasts for the study of Scripture who tended to confuse its letter with its spirit .
19 For the year to March 31 it made a pre-tax loss of £9.8m , compared with a massive £448.4m last time .
20 Now , in his early thirties , he was surrounded by an aura of such vital confidence that she was sure it attracted a positive response from anyone within his orbit .
21 I 'm sure it says a written comment must be made for each subject .
22 I am sure it adds an extra frisson , but I ca n't say I 'm keen to try it .
23 If you carry a handbag , make sure it has a secure clasp or zip .
24 when buying a new model opt for a smaller vehicle which consumes less fuel and make sure it has a catalytic converter fitted
25 In 1950 , the group established the Daily Graphic in the Gold Coast , and in 1952 it bought the Daily Mail of Sierra Leone .
26 Although this is still far too many it represents a substantial improvement .
27 For most people , retirement does not offer such vistas ; for many it represents a grinding poverty , and the monotony of a life-style structured by the meagre levels of state pensions .
28 Did you find that so many it took a long time for change to take place
29 In 1981 it had a total income of 171 million pounds for the whole year .
30 There 's mi minus four people coming to the party tonight , they 're all crackers , okay but it works , it 's very useful it solves an awful lot of problems like you know getting rockets to the moon and things like that that we could n't do otherwise .
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