Example sentences of "[adj] it [verb] [adj] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The United Kingdom imposed visa restrictions from Nov. 8 on former Yugoslavs except holders of Croatian and Slovenian passports and agreed to take only 150 refugees plus their dependants ; on Nov. 30 it increased this number to 1,000 plus dependants for temporary asylum .
2 As such it provided further evidence of a more flexible North Korean foreign policy arising in response to the momentous changes in Eastern Europe , and to South Korea 's recent successes in establishing relations with socialist countries .
3 Reporting first quarter figures for the first time — nothing like good news to encourage such a move — SGS-Thomson Microelectronics NV said net profit for the first quarter of 1993 was $24.4m on sales up 28.1% at $439m ; in the year to December 31 it had net profit of $3m compared with a loss of $102.6m the year before ; first quarter orders soared by 91.2% to $726.8m .
4 However , I 'm not sure it had much choice in the matter , given that it made great efforts in the 70s and 80s to change its image from an ineffective amateur body into a responsible and professional organisation .
5 Her scream rang back to her in a thundering descant whose bass-line was so deep it vibrated each organ of her body and she was sick .
6 A further area for the media group to check is the loss of circulation due to strikes or other problems : during the continuing difficulties that beset Fleet Street in the early eighties it became standard practice for papers affected to provide a rebate for lost circulation .
7 The foreign ministry in St Petersburg was in the first decades of the century ludicrously overstaffed : under Alexander I it gave ostensible employment to well over 700 people ( including the poet Pushkin ) , many of whom had no real duties whatever .
8 This is a wonderful design in that it combines real style with light weight and gives you totally unimpeded access to all but the very top fret .
9 This form of collaboration is said to have several advantages in that it offers greater control over research and development linkage by better managing the interface between public sector research and industry .
10 This exercise is a refinement of the one carried out for the whole district in that it takes more account of local needs and provides additional information over and above the grades of staff required .
11 the transaction itself is cross-border in character in that it involves contractual activity in two or more States ;
12 The neurotic 's suffering is an important component in analysis in that it provides motivational energy to the patient to work at his or her analysis .
13 As a method of appraisal it is considered particularly appropriate to the area of art in that it places great emphasis upon the validity of individual response and interpretation .
14 More significantly , however , the package departed from recent Republican budgets in that it abandoned any prospect of achieving a balanced budget in the medium term .
15 Section 3 only protects against actions of defamation in that it gives qualified privilege to extracts from any reports protected by sections I and 2 .
16 As a piece of recording , the Philips set has one advantage in that it makes best use of the excellent John Alldis Choir and puts them well forward , whereas the perfectly good Lyon Opera Chorus is relegated to the middle distance as usual .
17 And that 's those dimples are the bottom are on the bottom bit of your spine so if the dimples are n't level it means that bit of your back is slightly
18 For a police force still largely unarmed it highlights fierce opposition to the Sheahy proposals on police reform now before the Home Secretary .
19 After 1988 it increased each year to 1526 in 1991 ( table II ) .
20 Kepler , too , spoke of an enhanced status for the earth : At last it enjoyed legal citizenship in the heavens .
21 The party addressed much of its effort to workers and it enrolled few peasant members , yet the peasant question was central to its programme and during the revolution of 1905 it exerted considerable influence in the All-Russian Peasants ' Union .
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