Example sentences of "[adj] to [noun sg] at the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ICF President Sergio Orsi has expressed a wish that the World Marathon Championships should be held in South Africa in the not- too-distant future , South Africa having been provisionally readmitted to the ICF subject to ratification at the ICF congress next summer .
2 Fees are non-refundable and subject to change at the school 's discretion .
3 The second difference from the development charge was that though the levy would normally be paid to the seller , if ‘ when the land comes to be developed , it still has some development value on which levy has not been taken in previous sales , that residual value will be subject to levy at the time of development ’ .
4 All timings quoted are approximate and are subject to confirmation at the time of booking .
5 Thereafter Trusts will be expected to continue to provide such services subject to review at the request of either party to the contract and , in the event of disagreement , the approval of the Secretary of State . ’
6 If the sciences were less subordinate to theology at the time of Newton than at the time of Copernicus , had the Reformation in religion created favorable conditions for a reformation in science ?
7 Whereas Americans have grown accustomed to participation at the cost of policy coherence , and Europeans to a more professional and collegial structure which risks shackling politicians to the imperatives of officials , the Soviet system at its best avoids both of these pitfalls .
8 Recall that parasitic oscillation takes place if the magnitude of the loop gain is greater than or equal to unity at the frequency at which the phase shift becomes .
9 A form to apply for these awards is sent by the University to each student prior to enrolment at the start of the course .
10 Prior to enrolment at the start of their first year , the University will send to all EC students forms to enable them to apply for a mandatory award .
11 The defeat was attributable to resentment at the Truman administration 's bankrupt policy in China , to complacency regarding the Korean bill , and to the grave ill health of Senator Vandenberg .
12 ( 1 ) The names of all the directors of a recognised body shall be stated either on the body 's stationery or in a list of the names of all the directors maintained at the body 's registered office provided that in the latter case the body 's stationery must state that such a list of all the directors ' names is open to inspection at the body 's registered office and must state the address of that office .
13 Tim Devlin , of course , has an advantage as the sitting MP but it is too close to call at the moment . ’
14 He says he was close to death at the weekend but his condition has improved a little .
15 Suddenly the 180 million people loyal to Communism at the end of the war had turned into 800 million .
16 On one Bingley Vacation Course ( I think 1955 ) I had a group for Weaving , Spinning and Dyeing which Basil joined as a student and I was scared to death at the prospect .
17 Charges shall be payable on the expiry of any time limit previously stipulated and the carrier shall be entitled to interest at the average of the overdraft interest rates being charged at Lloyds Bank plc and Barclays Bank plc current at this time , calculated on a daily basis on all amounts overdue to the carrier .
18 ( 3 ) A partner making , for the purpose of the partnership , any actual payment or advance beyond the amount of capital which he has agreed to subscribe , is entitled to interest at the rate of 5 per cent per annum from the date of the payment or advance .
19 There is no evidence that at any of these houses Smythson was involved on the same day-to-day basis as at Longleat and Wollaton ; his contribution must often have been limited to the provision of a set of plans and elevations , which were liable to alteration at the whim of the patron and executive craftsmen .
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