Example sentences of "[adj] of [art] [noun pl] ' [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But this is probably the easier of the Tories ' tasks .
2 During the second world war , the government took control of the system , worked it to death without investing and , under a fixed ‘ rental ’ agreement of 1941 , pocketed more than half of the railways ' receipts .
3 He was apprenticed 2 December 1712 to Samuel Wastell , a London goldsmith , and made free of the Goldsmiths ' Company by service on 16 June 1720 .
4 William became free of the Masons ' Company in 1663 .
5 They had two sons , Thomas , who died at Leghorn , and Edward ( c .1681–1734 ) , who carried on the family business , becoming free of the Masons ' Company in 1702 and master in 1719 .
6 He served an apprenticeship with the London bookseller Abel Roper from 1 August 1644 until 28 June 1652 , when he became free of the Stationers ' Company .
7 Daniel became free of the Haberdashers ' Company in 1632 , and apprenticed Samuel to the same trade in 1634 .
8 At the expiry of his term he became free of the Clothworkers ' Company on 7 August 1771 .
9 The first of these stages was much the most important , for despite the promulgation of the Nazimov Rescript a betting man would not have laid money , at the end of 1857 , on the proposition that peasants were going to acquire both freedom from manorial jurisdiction and some of the landlords ' property .
10 After a tough debate within the Miners ' Federation in 1911 — the miners were not united on the baths ' efficacy — some of the miners ' leaders collaborated with women activists in the labour movement and during the First World War brought out a pamphlet , published by the Women 's Labour League , promoting pithead baths , including testimony from Robert Smillie and the well-known feminist Kathryn Bruce-Glazier .
11 On Oct. 15 , prison officials agreed to meet some of the prisoners ' demands , including the improvement of conditions in isolation cells .
12 Reviews of exhibiting societies ' shows have constantly presented difficulties to critics , as it is only possible to give brief comments on some of the artists ' work ; how could it be otherwise when an exhibiting society shows several thousand works ?
13 Some of the residents ' fears
14 Integral to at least some of the philosophers ' thinking is the idea that the individual is part of a collective ; a member of society .
15 Cascades of salt spray had already washed some of the kittiwakes ' nests off the lower ledges when we took a last look out before nightfall , and there seemed little chance that the old ‘ Sulan ’ would be able to make a landing tomorrow , even if the sea conditions allowed a crossing from Sørvágur .
16 At the same time we have to take account of the fact that some of the households ' income will be channelled into saving , and that additional spending on the output of firms will arise from investment .
17 After half an hour or so , when some of the journalists ' drinking arms were a blur , Jefferson banged on the table .
18 However , the Commission did not find evidence of deaths having resulted from deliberate brutality by police or prison officers , as had been alleged by some of the victims ' families .
19 But For every person at Aldermaston there are hundreds who share at least some of the protestors ' fears , without their fanaticism .
20 It should be noted that most of these are neutral on the optimism/pessimism scale , while some of the characters ' proverbs approach the meaningless .
21 Well I think some of the manufacturers ' guarantees , certainly on motor cars , erm are reasonable and you can expect to rely on them and get things put right .
22 But look at individuals , rather than averages , and you see interesting things happening to some of the peasants ' lives .
23 Changing this number also meant changing the inscriptions on some of the camps ' memorial plaques ; some Jewish groups did not like the wording of the new inscriptions .
24 Your stringer should be able to explain these terms and more — and understanding some of the stringers ' buzz words can be useful , even if it 's just to impress your friends .
25 The shoot was waylaid by litigation , however , after Mr Kluge 's Irish and British gamekeepers were convicted of killing hundreds of protected hawks and owls — and some of the neighbours ' dogs — in an authentic effort to keep the game alive for the pleasure of the guests .
26 Rule 2 of the Solicitors ' Practice Rules 1990 provides : Solicitors may at their discretion publicise their practices , or permit other persons to do so , or publicise the businesses or activities of other persons , provided there is no breach of these rules and provided there is compliance with a Solicitors ' Publicity Code promulgated from time to time by the Council of the Law Society with the concurrence of the Master of the Rolls .
27 Thus the difference between a contract of guarantee and one of indemnity was vital until section 2 of the Minors ' Contracts Act 1987 changed the law .
28 Page 30 of the Members ' Manual says that it is not ‘ appropriate for council stationery or postal facilities to be used to indicate the party allegiance of any member or group ’ .
29 There were 37 attempted and full burglaries and once more hi-fi and electrical equipment has been top of the burglars ' list .
30 But the distinction between Public and grammar remained unclear , although the lines were sharpened by the creation in 1869 of the Headmasters ' Conference and the consequent definition of an inner circle of boys ' Public Schools , properly so called .
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