Example sentences of "[adj] part [prep] [art] [noun pl] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 No was the posh part of the flats if you like .
2 Each part of the restaurants & Leisure Division has a programme to assist employees in developing their careers .
3 Each part of the walls and the rest of the ceilings received their appointed section of the Christian story .
4 In the event my evidence — on the scientific value of clinical ecology — played little part in the proceedings because the charges brought by the GMC touched only peripherally on Dr Mumby 's clinical activities .
5 The exterior work is largely restored but the interior decoration in the apse is mainly original and consists of marble , porphyry and mother-of-pearl inlay on the lower part of the walls and mosaic above this and in the semi-dome .
6 There were the usual bevelled panels on the lower part of the doors and bulkheads .
7 That means joint commissioning , you have an example later on in your agenda in relation to learning disability services , I think it 's items nine , nine and eleven , erm , er , perhaps the most controversial part of the proposals that I 've , I 've put before the authorities , is that you do n't expect the structures for joint care planning to carry the full weight of joint commissioning when you 're talking about main budgets .
8 This is because , assuming not all the proceeds of disposal are capital gain ( some will be base cost ) , that part of the proceeds that is not applied in acquiring the new assets will constitute gain in priority to base cost .
9 He suggests breaking the school-higher education continuum in some parts of the systems and following the model of the German Fachochschulen and focusing on the nature of student learning and the conditions necessary for its achievement .
10 And luck , a commodity the spirited teenager had never been short of , played a crucial part in the events that were to set her on the path to millions .
11 Mordecai himself was so much part of the shadows that at first when you stepped into the shop you did not see him .
12 CTCs offer education opportunities to children of all abilities — particularly those drawn from the most deprived parts of the cities that they serve .
13 In the present case the assignors declared themselves to be trustees of the assigned parts of the deposits if B.C.C.I. was unable to designate separate deposit accounts in the assignees ' names .
14 Once again , papal envoys took a leading part in the proceedings and , on this occasion , a possible way out was found .
15 In addition G. lamarcki does not have a dense covering of granules in the oral region and ventral part of the arms and it has a maximum of five arm spines not four as in G. caputmedusae .
16 But they appreciated that getting wet was all part of the thrills and spills .
17 Dancing , as we have already seen , formed an integral part of the ceremonies that led up to an epiphany .
18 They have been used to develop services jointly with health , and indeed a substantial part of the ones that we 're losing are underpinning the local health team in South Telford at the moment .
19 15 years ago MOVIES were a major part of the schedules although the film of Up Pompeii starring Frankie ( Please yourself , missus ) Howerd was on back where it started on the small screen .
20 The European Community ( EC ) , for example , actually came into existence largely through an acute perception of French national interests by Jean Monnet , who was mainly responsible for creating the European Coal and Steel Community — the precursor of the Common Market — as a means of protecting French industry and especially French steel makers from their more efficient German competitors ; and it is widely recognized at the present time that national interests continue to play a major part in the debates and decisions of the Community .
21 The main criterion by which all these forms of pedogenic modification may be distinguished is that they affect all parts of the bones and teeth more or less equally , so that the whole of the surface is altered , not just small parts of it .
22 At the commencement of the conversions the vehicles were lifted , and all parts of the underframes and bogies brought back to nominal new as for the standard LMSR coach .
23 He refers to an important part of the reforms that we are undertaking .
24 As an aspect of culture , roles provide an important part of the guidelines and directives necessary for an ordered society .
25 It had been operational as Lancaster College of Technology since 1960 , conceived by the local authority in Coventry as a major institution , and had rapidly developed a reputation as such , expanding rapidly , and playing an important part in the committees and boards of the CNAA .
26 Secondly , I am impressed by the way in which my right hon. Friends have negotiated so positively on some aspects of the treaties , while at the same time drawing the line so firmly with our European partners on those parts of the treaties that we can not accept .
27 In those parts of the buildings that were protected against the rains a yellow film , like nicotine staining , had built up on the marble .
28 It is an absolutely essential part of the nuts and bolts that hold the thing together — though the client rarely meets a traffic person except in a crisis .
29 3.7 Any part of the Premises that faces onto any of the Common Parts shall be regarded as an external part of the Premises notwithstanding that such part of the Common Parts is covered in and " exterior " " external " and other words to similar effect shall be construed accordingly
30 5.9.1 Not to hold on trust for another or ( save pursuant to a transaction permitted by and effected in accordance with the provisions of this Lease ) part with the possession of the whole or any part of the Premises or permit another to occupy the whole or any part of the Premises
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