Example sentences of "[adj] day [adv] [art] [noun sg] had " in BNC.

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1 A few days later an Englishman had spoken to him on the phone , saying an envelope of pictures Manningham might find interesting were on the way by express registered post .
2 Three days later the matron had to take care of Clive Fairbrother , who lost half of one of his front teeth in what he claimed was a game of dormitory rugby after lights-out with Murray .
3 Only one day ago the proximity had had my pulse racing .
4 Two days later the sea had settled down after the prolonged gale and we headed north once more through the rock strewn channels and islands .
5 Two days earlier the family had been told that tests at Darlington Memorial Hospital confirmed Mr Watson was terminally ill .
6 Four days earlier the Sun had also helped to set the tone with a centre-spread report , ‘ HUMAN TIDE LABOUR WOULD LET IN — Bogus refugees will grab state handouts ’ , complete with coloured maps representing the locations of intending immigrants to Britain from Africa , Asia , eastern Europe and the Middle East .
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