Example sentences of "[adj] time [pers pn] [vb past] [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 The second time she picked up the lure and pulled up clumsily on my fist .
2 Well the working in the pit and the first and the first time I went down the pit er the pit was er John Watson 's number four colliery in Motherwell .
3 For the first time he understood why the Seven were so strong .
4 Had Andrewes remained in Cambridge , his reputation would probably have been unblemished but he would have lacked the stimulus to write the magnificent sermons which he preached at Court ; and he would not willingly have engaged in the controversial writing in which for the first time he set out the Anglican Church 's position in terms which European scholars could respect ; above all his Preces , even had they been written , would not have contained the breadth of experience , and the depth of feeling , based on that experience , which made them treasures of the Church .
5 Several times I went up the valley with my father in the evening and sat with him behind a rock , hoping he would get a shot at the leopard .
6 At the same time it set up the Seiji Togo Memorial Museum , which now occupies the forty-second floor of the spectacular headquarters tower in Tokyo , and houses pictures by Chagall , Gauguin , Picasso , Renoir and Grandma Moses .
7 My right hon. Friend the Member for Blaby ( Mr. Lawson ) reduced corporation tax to 35 per cent. , but at the same time he took away the 100 per cent .
8 Last time I went ter the pictures it was up the Grand picture 'ouse in Grange Road .
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