Example sentences of "[adj] who have [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 After the War a few who had married in the island remained , but the majority returned to Gibraltar .
2 With Sycorax , the islanders were more successful in administering the proper rites , for during the treaty negotiations that followed the battle , her eldest daughter 's husband , who had been wounded in the foot but survived , pleaded for the bodies of the few who had died inside the stockade .
3 Although it is difficult to reach firm conclusions from the small number of patients who underwent balloon counterpulsation , those few who have survived in the long term underwent such a procedure while their renal function was still normal or nearly normal and their renal state remained stable until transplantation .
4 He clearly had friends in high places , as he was able to take on prominent people who had been purged after 1968 and even some who had suffered after the takeover of 1948 .
5 Some who had driven over the Berwyns insisted that they had had to put their headlights on , and this in the middle of a July day .
6 Another who has benefited from the visit to Switzerland is maintenance supervisor .
7 Today it is only the old who regularly die , so only the old who have to deal with the universality of death .
8 A few days more and the man 's body would have been buried completely — another name to add to the list of 12 who have disappeared in the Gredos over the past two years .
9 Among the hundreds of those held without charge or trial in Syria are the following who have appeared in the Letter Writing Campaign : Hakem Sultan al-Faiz , a 61-year-old Jordanian national and former member of the National Command of the Arab Socialist Ba'th Party , who has been held for almost 20 years ; Ahmad ‘ Abd al-Rau'uf Roummou , a 55-year-old teacher , arrested in 1975 ; Muhammad Nabil Salem , an engineer , arrested in the wake of a one-day national strike in 1980 and Mahmud Jalbut , a Palestinian arrested in 1980 .
10 At any rate , so far as Zuwaya are concerned , it was those men who were fifty to sixty years old in 1979 who had created in the previous three decades the marked differences in wealth which did exist .
11 A number of undergraduates were men in their mid-twenties who had served in the war and whose university education had therefore been deferred .
12 Jack Rogers was a man of fifty who had worked on the shop-floor all his working life .
13 Among the rich and famous who had come to the salon to have their hair cut , tinted and set , Paula recognised Dusty Springfield , the pop singer , her eyes big and sooty , her lips pearly pink , and was unable to suppress the thrill of excitement which ran through her .
14 The commission suggests that anyone over 18 who has contributed to the cost of the property he or she occupies should have to agree to its sale .
15 Although , as an exercise against Republican democracy , the military rising of 18 July 1936 had had the backing of all who had sympathized with the Nationalist cause , there were many who felt that the result of the war — a military dictatorship — was not what they had intended .
16 The leader of the rebels , Imam Yasin Abu Bakr , demanded Robinson 's resignation , the establishment of a coalition interim government ( including himself ) , the holding of national elections within 90 days and an amnesty for all who had participated in the coup .
17 All who have contributed to the notes have been directly involved in sailing , either as helpers or as disabled sailors for a number of years .
18 Nevertheless , despite its vagueness , the term ‘ deindustrialization ’ has a real meaning to all who have lived in the UK in the 1970s and 1980s .
19 I have known many who have competed in the Olympic Games and I do not know one who does not still cherish the memory and still treasure that thrill of competition at the highest level .
20 He believed that the central problem was that of helping the existing aged poor who had suffered from the bad industrial conditions of the past , and that younger generations should be induced to save .
21 But the International Air Tattoo does n't just help those who 've served with the RAF — for the past ten years it 's been helping disabled people learn to fly .
22 The dancing stopped , and while those who 'd travelled to the all-dayer on coaches from Brighton , Hereford , Nottingham , Northampton , Leeds and Sheffield looked bemused at the sound of the King , the West Midlands regulars looked straight to Dermot Ryan , one of the three brothers behind promotions company Chuff Chuff .
23 Although these proportions changed subsequently , particularly among the 55–59 age group , after three years only one in four of the whole group ( excluding those who had retired at the normal pension ages ) were in work .
24 In Cornwall , only those who had contributed to the fine made in 1204 were to be allowed to hunt and take the deer within the disafforested districts .
25 In other words , the objectives of those who had contributed to the developments that culminated in Rome were ambitious and overtly political .
26 In his opening speech , Ralph Ellis thanked all those who had contributed to the success of the company , emphasising ‘ that it is during the tough times when such experience counts . ’
27 For the players , there was the prospect of returning to their day jobs with £50 in their pockets , for the landlord there was a healthy night 's takings and for the crowd , even those who had stayed in the bar all evening , there was a nasty ringing in the ears the next morning .
28 The leadership of the army was heavily influenced for a generation to come by those who had served in the ranks of the Imperial Japanese army ; five of the first seven chiefs of staff and three of the ministers of defence between 1948 and 1961 were officers trained at the Imperial Defence College in Tokyo .
29 Interestingly , there are signs that those who had escaped from the royal mouvance were not entirely comfortable in their independence .
30 The experiences of some of the Second World ( communist ) countries , those who had escaped from the grip of global capitalism , particularly the Soviet Union and then China , seemed to lend support to the argument .
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