Example sentences of "[adj] who [verb] on [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 As was pointed out in the previous chapter , the plan of the Victorian house and the Victorian city have this in common : that both are so designed that the few who live on the privileged side of the divide need know nothing of the many who are crowded beyond it into a fraction of the space .
2 The farm is one of the best in the county and its steading high above Dunure is a well-known landmark for all who sail on the lower reaches of the Clyde estuary .
3 Behind the scenes , many who sit on the Conservative Benches are betraying their concern even before the Bill has received its Second Reading .
4 The pictures were assembled during the 1900s by Sir John Leicester , a close friend of George IV who went on the Grand Tour but who , unlike many of his contemporaries , remained faithful to living British artists .
5 Next morning , 19th July , all is quiet , and after breakfast I decided to pay a visit to the other Commando units ; 4 Commando and 3 Commando , lots of new faces , not many of those who landed on the 6th June are left .
6 It equally impressed those who served on the old Select Committee on Social Services .
7 For those who remain on the amateur circuit , three international events , all taking place in Britain , will be the highlights of the 1991 season .
8 He left the chamber without answer , knowing the fate of those who failed on an imperial mission .
9 Even those who insist on a modern digital recording , as distinct from digitally remastered analogue sound , will find a remarkably wide choice .
10 The most elementary division is between those who concentrate on the representative function of a councillor by looking after the interests of individual constituents and those who prefer the managerial function of determining policy and ensuring its implementation .
11 Although most of those who commented on the proposed SAS support the need for a new Standard , there are two particular aspects that concern many commentators .
12 We wish those who worked on the interim advisory committee well and we look forward to the next phase in the determination of teachers ' pay which is the work of the pay review body under the chairmanship of Sir Graham Day .
13 Does he further agree about the hypocrisy of those who call on the one hand for the maintenance of defence contracts in public and , on the other , plan in private for defence reductions ?
14 Macmillan showered political honours on his backbenchers like confetti , and during the thirteen years of Conservative government which ended in 1964 over two hundred MPs , one third of all those who sat on the Tory benches , were rewarded with some sort of gong .
15 Here was an Anglo-Catholic who insisted on the apostolic succession of bishops , and thought intercommunion between the Churches , before a proper union , to be wrong , and yet refused to unchurch the Protestant Churches .
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