Example sentences of "[adj] who [verb] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Nevertheless , the party contained not a few who disapproved of the caution of the Labour leadership in retaining the electoral truce yet apparently obtaining so few significant concessions in respect of policy from the coalition government .
2 The incompetence of the king , and the arrogance and greed of the Despensers , had so alienated men from the court that none except the few who profited from the king 's favour would fight for him .
3 Yes it will , and the few who slip through the net will be denied legal aid to argue their case .
4 Some who came at the outset no longer come to events , but others have joined since .
5 Some who went to the surgery thought that Daisy looked like an animal herself , moving sometimes like a slow marmalade cat , other times like a bustling sheep dog-for she was a woman of moods — and seeming to combine the best and worst qualities of each .
6 We were delighted to have a distinguished group from Bulawayo fly over for the opening , and some who stayed through the week .
7 Though he noticed there were some who spoke to the superintendent and were completely ignored , while others looked as if they would have preferred to creep past unknown .
8 Given the Association 's fall in membership since the late 1940s , and given the views canvassed by some who worked in the field , exemplified by Bruce in The Highway , there were real fears that the WEA would lose its status as a Responsible Body .
9 Another who rose to the occasion was the shadow Scottish Secretary , Tom Clarke , whose speech , while a little lacking in vision , was delivered with a verve which must surely silence his critics .
10 This is a great part of the pleasure Matthew Spender found ; discovering craftsmen , for example , one of whom remembered who had built a palazzo in Florence , another who hid in the cellar for fear of thunderstorms , yet another who built him beehives .
11 In England and Wales this is done by the coroner 's court , as indeed it is in some States in the USA and in Canada , and in Scotland it is the procurator fiscal who looks into the matter and will , if he considers it to be an appropriate case , raise the matter at a fatal accidents inquiry in the sheriff 's court .
12 He , like others , mentioned some young gallant who passed through the village about the same time .
13 The intervention followed several weeks of fighting between rival Indian factions armed with automatic weapons and grenades , which resulted in the deaths of at least two people , the displacement of many of the 9,500 who lived on the reservation , and the infliction of serious material damage .
14 All radical groups have such an aim and the method of variation can be found in all who reflect upon the world ; it is certainly central to Powell 's method .
15 But I would not be true to myself if I did not record my own thanks to all who serve on the Board for their hard and devoted work and at this time , to take a moment to thank the retiring vice convenor Bill for his work , his prayers , his support , his wisdom and his fellowship over the many years that he and I have served together .
16 In these circumstances , it is required that information about preferred reproductive patterns and the regulation of births should be provided to all who share in the decision-making processes .
17 There is now a chance to secure a comprehensive settlement based on security for Israel , justice for the Palestinians and peace for all who live in the region .
18 So it is thanks to you for coming to these events and thanks to all who contributed to the organisation for between you all it was a most successful day .
19 Certainly all who believe in the value of the Old Testament must take criticism seriously , as they will be the first to want to establish an accurate text and be sure of its meaning .
20 In the Annual Report published in July , Hugh Laughland , Chairman of Stoddard Sekers International PLC , praised the efforts of all who worked for the company .
21 Meanwhile , producer James Macalpine sends his renewed thanks to all who co-operated in the making of this film .
23 All who work within the education service are acutely aware of the pressure for change at all levels .
24 In the entrance hall of he present church the 20 bronze plaques commemorate both old and young — from Desmond William Green , who lived for 6 weeks , to many who died in the fullness of age .
25 Many who stay at the abbey do so at the suggestion of members of the Iona Community , of which there are some 200 scattered throughout the UK .
26 This remark will seem preposterous to many who work in the subject , because Realism has been the target of severe criticism and most scholars now claim to be working with another approach altogether .
27 It was assumed that many who appeared on the box had been to drama school .
28 Local villagers are prepared to sacrifice their lives rather than move to the inadequate , drought-prone resettlement areas ; many who moved to the resettlement areas in past years are now returning to their threatened villages .
29 This was to involve a procedure familiar to many who arrived in the afternoon at Russell Square .
30 But I have met many who objected to the kind of society it has created because of its injustice and inhumanity .
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