Example sentences of "[adj] so that the [noun sg] [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 The bag should be emptied before it gets about half full and this is achieved by turning the bag anti-clockwise so that the spout can be pulled out of the dust port .
2 In addition the Board believes that the best way to serve shareholders is to keep administration as simple as possible so that the Group can concentrate on its core business and maximise profit growth . ’
3 Said Ted : ‘ I just want to live as long as possible so that the murderer can be found . ’
4 In critically ill patients or those with changing renal function , assays may be necessary earlier than this so that the dosage can be adjusted to avoid tissue accumulation .
5 You can set this so that the machine will stop at points you have preselected : if you zero at your starting point on the tape , the machine will stop there automatically when you rewind .
6 It is possible to transfer it from one person to another so that the recipient can exercise such rights against third parties as may arise ( see for example Keene , Re [ 1922 ] 2 Ch 475 ) .
7 The later Lives of Aethelberht place his accession in 779 so that the suspicion must arise that this note is perhaps based on a misreading of a king-list which concluded by simply listing these names and misled the annalist into thinking that the kingdom had been partitioned among them .
8 The hands may be kept busy so that the mind can reflect , and see the pattern inherent in the tangled mass of threads .
9 Prior research of the target audience is important so that the message can be drafted in the appropriate register and directed along suitable channels .
10 He hoped the shearing had been successful so that the family could pay for their father 's operation in Auckland .
11 Hilton 's Scale gains , perhaps , over some other later descriptions of the way in being very wide and very general so that the individual can find his own way therein without being embarrassed by a bundle of inapplicable particularities .
12 In this case , the question of mens rea was crucial , the defence arguing the relevance of the BBFC 's decision to refuse a national certificate in 1970 so that the film could first be assessed by a representative sample of local licensing authorities who were more closely in touch with community standards .
13 Somehow we managed , and the director asked if I thought there was any chance of the weather worsening so that the boat would heel a little more .
14 Once satisfied , I got a large cardboard carton and broke it open so that the development could be accurately drawn .
15 This is necessary so that the bill can be accurately discounted .
16 Instead , it has been argued that exposure to complex sentences is necessary so that the child can adequately test inferences about the relationship between grammatical form and meaning ( Gleitman et al .
17 This is necessary so that the barium can pass into the bowel for the X-ray procedure and so that good vision can be obtained through the sigmoidoscope .
18 To be successful the direction-shifts of the fleeing animal must be irregular so that the predator can not anticipate either when or in which direction the next change of course will be .
19 The Historic Building Council for Scotland gave a major grant of £1.1 million so that the spire could be dismantled and rebuilt .
20 In other cases early appointment is clearly desirable so that the guardian can attend the first directions appointment .
21 Indeed , Ulpian puts the case of a seller of a female slave who knowingly allows the buyer to believe that she is a virgin when she is not ( D. ) , a defect which is treated as being strictly liable so that the buyer can return the slave .
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