Example sentences of "[adj] so [conj] the [noun sg] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Why is this so if the curriculum is to be based on research ?
2 If you feel the ‘ fit ’ is wrong so that the relationship is not working well you might need to consider ending it , for there should be a growing sense of ease as you get to know each other .
3 In any event , cross-references which can not be resolved will remain flagged as such so that the system is always consistent with respect to which references are navigable .
4 A constant or direct component a only appears in a representation of a periodic wave if the positive and negative excursions are unbalanced so that the mean is nonzero .
5 It has discarded lectures , but accepts that familiarity with concepts of the Welfare State is important so that the trainee is not fearful of the information expectations .
6 Thanks to the efforts of the breeders , the stem of triticale is short so that the plant is more rigid in the wind ; grain size and quality are also vastly improved .
7 Lateral Formed by an obstruction placed in the middle of the mouth , the air being free to escape at one or both sides , eg /I// Nasal Formed by completely closing the mouth at some point , the soft palate remaining lowered so that the air is free to pass out through the nose , eg /m/ .
8 something else that could be quite actually misleading might sleep , be very sleepy , difficult to wake , so if you 've got the baby and you think your baby 's due for a feed and it did n't take very much at the last feed , you ca n't wake it up you should n't think oh well I 'll have to wait for another four hours , beginning to get worried so if the baby 's difficult to wake if it 's difficult to feed not sucking very well if the baby 's cold to touch and then there 's something which is very , very misleading , these babies can have bright red cheeks and bright red hands and feet and if you look at them you think oh they must be warm because they 're red
9 It is easy to see why : the track is only six lanes wide so that the crowd is closer to the action than usual , and the organizers have the knack of building up the anticipation for the big event so that once it gets under way , emotion bubbles over .
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