Example sentences of "[adj] will [be] [verb] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This will be based on groundspeed using the surface wind , and the GP angle .
2 This will be based on information which has been made available to me or which I have requested in accordance with clause [ specify ] of the Agreement .
3 This will be based upon legitimacy , i.e. that which is accepted within a particular society as conferring the right to rule .
4 This will be based upon simulations conducted using the macroeconomic model which will be modified to take account of the econometric evidence accumulated in the second part of the project .
5 This will be related to levels of carbon dioxide emitted and will provide a strong incentive for saving energy and investing in cleaner sources .
6 Although many lone parents work , Table 4 shows that earnings from employment are less likely to be their main source of income than they are for two parent families although for both groups this will be affected by fluctuations in employment and unemployment .
7 Although no one seems to know how this will be defined in practice , all observers agree that a news service will clearly play a crucial part .
8 From the point of view of the outsider the descent group appears as undifferentiated and this will be expressed by statements of the commonality of the resources of claim while , from the point of view of the insider dealing with other insiders the descent group appears highly differentiated .
9 This will be chaired by Viktor Danilyan , the minister of ecology and natural resources .
10 This will be done from December 1993 .
11 This will be done in collaboration with the other major government-recognised school in Italy , the Scuola del Istituto Centrale del Restauro in Rome .
12 This will be done in partnership at all times with the in country non-gav non-governmental organisations , where such exist or where they can be developed , with governments and where appropriate with European and international agencies .
13 Now you must design an additional five feet all around ( shaded portion ) , this will be seen by persons in the stalls etc. , or in the side stalls .
14 This will be seen in chapter 8 , particularly in relation to accessibility to cultural , educational , information and social services , the improvement of which can enhance the quality of life for rural residents .
15 As we have not received a report as yet , this will be given to council at their next meeting .
16 This proposal concerned the use of an AI Planning Aid to assist the major servicing of the aircraft and I believe more details of this will be given by Steve Docker in his talk this afternoon .
17 Fabrication will initially be based in Newport , South Wales but , from 1994 , this will be extended to parent SGS Thomson Microelectronics NV 's Crolles facility .
18 Fabrication will initially be based in Newport , South Wales but , from 1994 , this will be extended to parent SGS Thomson Microelectronics NV 's Crolles facility .
19 Turning back , his strong face set in harsh lines that made him look older , he instructed coldly , ‘ Not one word of this will be breathed to Mother .
20 This will be sent on Monday 29th March , so if you have any comments on it please let me have them as soon as possible .
21 If S1 is left unpressed then D = 0 and when a clock pulse is given , this will be transferred to Q ( X2 off , X1 on ) .
22 Their three-year run of 17 Test wins equals the All Black record , and it takes no great clairvoyant skill to predict that this will be broken against Wales on 4 November and extended against Ireland a fortnight later .
23 Particular attention has recently been paid to the position of women in TNC factories ( Lim , 1985 ; Elson and Pearson , 1989 ) , and this will be examined in Chapter 4 .
24 This will be explained in Chapter 23 .
25 This will be explained in Chapter 13 which deals with the buyer 's remedies .
26 This will be met by St Andrew 's College .
27 And just say that in , in , in July , during July , this will be collected in July .
28 Er all this will be confirmed in writing .
29 If the reason for change is not one of the preceding , and there are less than 8 weeks to your departure date , then we will credit you with 10% of the cost of the changed holiday ( if less than 14 days to departure , this will be raised to 20% ) to be used in the purchase of any other Falcon Sailing holiday within 24 months .
30 Even though it hopes a third of this will be raised through sponsorship , the school is aware that some parents will still not be able to meet the cost .
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