Example sentences of "[adj] do not [verb] that [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This did not mean that unity was ruled out however , for the Americans , far from opposing European economic unity , began to see this as the only way to create a firm barrier to communist expansion .
2 This did not mean that ideas and values came from some supernatural source , but it did mean that they came from the history of society , not the history of the individual .
3 Although formal channels for the rank and file to influence Party policy may have been either weak or entirely absent in the early years of the Party , this did not mean that Paisley was free to lead the party wheresoever he wished .
4 This did not mean that Gloucester developed a nation-wide affinity .
5 This did not mean that Gloucester developed a nation-wide affinity .
6 Modern legislatures may be dominated by executives , but this does not mean that executives are subservient to career public officials .
7 But this does not mean that Melbourne saw the Bill as a gratuitous concession .
8 This does not mean that exploitation can not or does not exist .
9 While military spending was constrained by the renunciation of belligerency , this does not mean that defence expenditure is insignificant .
10 As indicated above , this does not mean that firms are acting irrationally .
11 For example , Tenopir found that Georef assigns more subject headings for each publication than GeoArchive , and so has higher recall , but this does not mean that searches will produce more irrelevant items .
12 However , this does not mean that law is the same as economic or political relations , nor that it is a mere covering , a set of clothes or a veil , concealing economic and political reality .
13 The movement toward greater precision is characteristically from A to B. This does not mean that A can not contain more than B , but that when there is a relation of greater precision between A and B , it is B that typically exhibits that greater precision .
14 This does not mean that women are reduced to merely playing a passive role in their initiation , a point made by Rosenbaum ( 1981 ) in her study of female addicts in the USA .
15 This does not mean that Gandhi is not aware of the wrong that is being done when acts of violence are committed or tolerated , or that he does not share in the feelings of guilt that result from so acting .
16 However , this does not mean that changes do not have class segmentation consequences , given the operation of UK benefit regulations in relation to households .
17 This does not mean that changes in poleward heat flow cause significant warming , however ,
18 This does not mean that life has been found on Mars .
19 This does not mean that faith itself is irrational , nor is it mere emotional ‘ feeling ’ .
20 What is more , this does not mean that translation is impossible .
21 This does not mean that Lenin is here denying the class war , for the ‘ peaceful ’ , ‘ cultural ’ work of ‘ organisation ’ is also a special form of class struggle .
22 If you become a solicitor , you will be joining a profession with a respected history of service to the legal profession and the community as a whole but this does not mean that tradition dominates .
23 Of course , this does not mean that lecturers do not have stereotypes of , and views about , other disciplines which may be well or less well informed .
24 If we accept that there are excellent reasons for requiring young children to show obedience to their parents , this does not mean that parents should ask anything , or too much , of their children .
25 Values enshrined within Christianity are still widely held , but this does not mean that Christianity is believable in for the vast majority .
26 Nevertheless , this does not mean that measurement in the social sciences is impossible since , as Lazarsfeld endeavoured to establish , even lower levels of measurement offer a beginning .
27 This does not mean that Paisley would not be glad of the support ( such as he had in his campaign to ‘ Save Ulster From Sodomy ’ ) of individual Catholics , but he would not work with Catholic organizations or officials of the Catholic Church because that might dilute his separatist witness .
28 This does not mean that children are led to believe they are always right .
29 This does not mean that adultery is the one legal basis for divorce among Christians , because Jesus never encouraged his followers to think or act in legalistic terms .
30 This does not mean that restructuring and financial change can not take place .
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