Example sentences of "[adj] that you [modal v] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Adjust the height of the fitting so that it does n't obscure your view across the table while you 're eating , but is n't so high that you can look into the shade at the bulb .
2 We have bread and bacon and butter that 's good , With oatmeal and salt that is wholesome for food ; We have soap and candles whereby to give light That you may work by them so long as you have light .
3 I knew Silvia was n't doing the hours we 'd agreed on , but I decided it was possible that you 'd come to some other arrangement — ’
4 I would therefore be very grateful if you could confirm as soon as possible that you can contribute in this way .
5 Any good weight loss regime should not lead to extreme hunger ; it should be so easy that you can stick with the diet until all the weight is off .
6 Yeah , but it freezes that quick that when it falls overnight and then by the morning it frozen so hard that you can walk on top of it
7 I think your doctor is right when he says that you need time to get over the loss of your dad and your friend , and it is only right and natural that you should think of them a lot , but if you try to turn your thoughts to good and happy memories of them that will be the best way of honouring them , and will help you , too .
8 ‘ It is natural that you should suffer from such doubts , ’ Louisa attempted .
9 Peter announces the Resurrection at the house of Cornelius who had earlier said to Jesus ‘ Lord I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof ’ .
10 If you define your needs first it is much more likely that you 'll go for a mix of simple word processing and basic graphics .
11 Go on any Earth Mysteries trip to an ancient site and it is highly likely that you will see at least one person walking holding wire rods or holding a weight on the end of a piece of string .
12 Even under local management of schools there may be little that you can do about restoring peeling paint work and cleaning grimy windows , but it is possible to keep litter under control and flower beds and grassed areas looking attractive .
13 She could have been stoned , people would have mocked her as she passed in the street , as they jeered and booed that girl Serafina when she started getting bigger and everyone knew who 'd done it but they could n't do anything about it , not even kill him , because he was the son of a nobleman -Rosalba shuddered , remembering the way Serafina had thrown up her chin and turned and screamed at her tormentors , ‘ And which one of you is so good that you can point at me ! ’ , then dropped her head and run away down the street , holding her heavy breasts as she ran .
14 Quite sure that you 'll find in the end that I 'm right and it was set up by murdering bog-trotters .
15 In any event , you can be sure that you 'll dine in grand style wherever you stay in the Western Loire .
16 Should you decide to come here , I feel sure that you will discover for yourself the vibrant nature of the place .
17 You can make sure that you will score by following with a snap punch .
18 I am not sure that you will agree with me , but I have no doubt about it ; our Parry on the old lines will have no future in the life of this Country ( Hear , hear ) .
19 Erm we set up I think a very successful service and if I could just mention a sad note here , me some members will know who was the county occupational therapy coordinator largely designed the service here and I 'm very sorry to say that er she died the other day but her service is very much a tribute to her and we do in fact have a large number of people who will want to come and work for us as OTs because it is a good service and I 'm sure that you will agree with that .
20 I am very sure that you will agree with me , if I may borrow a phrase from Joyce , that we all hope that it 's not at all unlikely that George Craig will come again to preach .
21 I I th I 'm quite sure that you can go through that because you 're recognizing the patterns much more now , you 're accepting more things as , Oh yeah , you do n't need to tell me that I know it .
22 But I 'm afraid your reputation precedes you , you are renowned for rising to challenges like these and I feel sure that you can build on your previous successes and that together we can and probably will , do it .
23 For extra effect you can say ‘ Are you sure you would not like to change your mind ’ or ‘ I want you to be sure that you can point to whichever line you like . ’
24 By sure that you can live with the results of your actions .
25 Well , what I think Chair , all , all that you can say to the Policy Panel then is , they take their recommendation on
26 It is better that you should go to the doctor and feel foolish for having imagined it than ignore it and face dire consequences , because it is real .
27 And I hope when you go there e Aled that you 'll look at that because that 's all Welsh slate .
28 ‘ Is it important that you should know at this very moment ? ’
29 Only I think we 're happy that you can put in profligacy .
30 Or , is any more that you can add to that ?
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