Example sentences of "[adj] in [art] [adj] [noun pl] and " in BNC.

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1 I ca n't afford to fight this in the American courts and I genuinely fear for the safety of my children . ’
2 Solowka feels the attitude of the group was different in the early days and the commitment was not as strong .
3 Market buildings , in particular , have proved especially elusive in the small towns and there is little to compare with the forum or macellum of the cities .
4 Fears of a crackdown have been strongest in the Baltic republics and Moldavia .
5 Compared with these non-uraemic patients , the gastrin concentrations were noticeably high in the uraemic patients and there was no difference between the latter patients with ( median=95 , range 52–333 ) or without ( 114 , range 47–533 ) H pylori infection .
6 Let me give you one or two specific examples , I 'm always interested , having been in a college for thirty five years in adult education , I 'm interested in the primary schools and I must admit I get more job satisfaction the moment we go in a primary schools than ever I had when I was in the college itself !
7 The Doric temple became early popular in the western colonies and many more sets of archaic metopes are known from this area than from the homelands .
8 ‘ He was very charming in the first days and said he was really jealous that I could live like this . ’
9 When I inquired after the baptism he said he had been mistaken , it had been yesterday , but that there would be another in a few days and , anyway , who needed a baptism to enjoy themselves ?
10 And the overall assessments of the homes were similar in the two groups and between nursing homes and old people 's homes .
11 The frequencies for all the alleles of both markers are very similar in the two populations and there is no allelic association with MS .
12 The reasons for the Special Forces not proving more effective in this desperate year of 1940 , lay as much in the political problems and strategy as in shortages of equipment .
13 Much of the research thus goes unrecorded in the standard bibliographies and data-bases .
14 Pears felt groggy in the closing stages and found it difficult to concentrate .
15 Poverty is visible in the under-stocked shops and the perpetual sales .
16 Discontent appeared to be widespread in the armed forces and , according to the president of the congressional defence committee , between 15 and 20 per cent of the armed forces supported the attempt ; other army sources put the level of support even higher .
17 Here , as with the vernacular , the Council for the sake of strengthening the ‘ active participation ’ which it correctly laid down as a vital principle of liturgy , overthrew a deformation which had become customary in the Middle Ages and against which the Reformation had vigorously protested .
18 Not surprisingly , San Marino tired in the later stages and England cashed in .
19 Since wage rates are equal in the two industries and the marginal cost of meals ( 5 ) is half the marginal cost of films ( 10 ) , the marginal physical product of labour must be twice as high in the meals industry as in the film industry .
20 The construction of climatic protection would surely encourage entrepreneurs to invest in leisure and entertainment facilities that would be without equal in the British Isles and would rival or eclipse most facilities abroad .
21 If you had SUPERFILE you could not only produce MailSorted address labels for all those people , but you could do much subtler selections as well — all in a few minutes and at the press of a few keys .
22 Well , this place looked okay to me , the only hitch being that there were n't any women in it They were all in the butch bars and the diesel discos .
23 As pellets are not normally susceptible to early leaching , only intergranular pores are present in the pelletoidal grainstones and this makes them less porous than the associated oolitic grainstones ( Fig. 18 ) .
24 All these colour forms apply only to males — the females of all three types are indistinguishable , being whitish yellow with a black longitudinal band , and black in the pelvic fins and anterior dorsal .
25 The discrepancy is particularly great in the physical sciences and mathematics , where male lecturers outnumber female by ten to one , and male professors outnumber female by a hundred to one .
26 Theory 3 — That the West had been too lax in the post-war years and had blind faith in the hope that the unity achieved after the first World War would be re-kindled .
27 On the whole , men are more involved in the political organizations and women at the grassroots level , particularly in the Christian communities .
28 From this starting point , after considering such factors as who would be involved in the implied activities and system ownership etc , the following root definition was formulated :
29 … the bilateralism inherent in the traditional structures and processes of international law is secured on the one hand , by a prohibition of intervention protecting not only a State 's internal but also its external affairs against third party interference and , on the other hand , by the pacta tertiis rule in the law of treaties , according to which an agreement can create neither obligations nor rights for a third State without its consent .
30 Beta releases of AIX and OS/2 Mach microkernels are due in a few months and in the second half of the year respectively .
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