Example sentences of "[adj] and [was/were] [verb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Actually I had lots of days free and was making the most of the best weather conditions for years .
2 Johnstone shot to fame as a 16 year old when he scored the winning goal for Rangers in the 1970 Cup Final against Celtic and was voted the Scottish Player of the Year in 1978 , the year of the abortive World Cup campaign in Argentina .
3 He was posted to London on promotion in 1953 and was replaced the following year by R. B. Wilson on transfer from the field staff in England .
4 Office of Population Censuses and Surveys ( The General Register Office in St Catherine 's House , London ) A central register of births , deaths and the solemnization and registration of marriages , was begun on 1 July 1837 and was called The General Register Office .
5 The new school was opened in 1927 and was called the Central School and the new road was named Staveley Road , which was lined with flowering cherry trees , a great attraction for visitors every year during blossom time — one of the more notable visitors each year was the late Queen Mary , consort to the King at that time , George V.
6 In an internal document issued on Dec. 14 and discovered by police during a raid in February , the leadership of ETA rejected arguments from within the organization to the effect that the armed struggle was lost , was senseless and was damaging the Basque nationalist left , and that ETA must face up to defeat .
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