Example sentences of "[adj] and [vb past] [adv] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 She rose and plunged and rolled and staggered and behaved generally in a most frisky fashion .
2 By now , other men with microphones were moving among the audience , and so many people were shouting to be heard that George could no longer identify individual speakers as words overleaped one another and blended together into a great cry of confused and frightened protest .
3 He was arrested on 25 November 1991 and held overnight in a police cell in Urosevac .
4 His lean , muscular body was tanned , presumably from his years in Australia , and while the hair on his legs had turned to gold the triangle of hair on his chest was dark and tapered away to a point at the base of his flat stomach , disappearing beneath the band of his black swimming-trunks .
5 His eyes , dark and set deep beneath a firm , unfurrowed brow , were sleek and watchful ; one 's first impression that they twinkled with a friendly mirth soon vanished .
6 Poor old Pengam Moors , the one-time Cardiff Airport which was originally known by the curious name of Splott , is also extinct and remembered only by a pub called The Old Airport .
7 Briant ignored that and looked instead at a man waving his notebook eagerly from the back row .
8 When she had chosen the least remarkable and staggered downstairs in a pair of high-heeled purple boots the others got their revenge by wheezing about the room in hysterics once more .
9 It was a big stone , not round , but elongated and shaped rather like a mandolin .
10 The luckless creature , who confessed to coming from Leeds as though it were an explanation of the folly , abandoned it all and trudged home like a beaten cur .
11 I was so physically tired that I slept as soundly as the corpses outside the window but , unlike them , awoke refreshed and went downstairs to a good breakfast .
12 Interest is paid gross and calculated daily on a cleared balance basis .
13 ‘ We went to Nice and stayed overnight at a hotel .
14 The search was the 17th since operations started in 1988 and began immediately before a visit to Vietnam by a delegation of US senators .
15 All except one , who had worked herself up into such a frenzy of excitement , that she became quite terrified and galloped straight into a fence — which fortunately was made of pine rails that collapsed harmlessly under the assault .
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