Example sentences of "[adj] and [adv] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Other works from this and even from the earlier phase will be discussed in the last section of this chapter , on relief and architectural sculpture , since that is the area in which the formation of the ripe archaic style can most clearly be traced .
2 And if you look back at the minutes and then Yona I think she 's great as the secretary because she does n't let anything go but on the other hand she 's pretty informal about and the way th that over the weeks you know somebody er Julie or June or Mervia Ann come up with the suggestion that they maybe feel why do n't we do this and then by the next week it 's turned into a a rally or a big picket or or a record .
3 On one of them , the leather sole had been built up fairly high and yet by the sheer elegance of the design the modification scarcely showed .
4 But the lifts of the pen came regularly at every fourth letter — Middlemass had never found a forger who remembered to vary the interval at which he lifted pen from paper — and the dot above the i , high and slightly to the left , and the over-emphatic apostrophe were almost a trade-mark .
5 With Ruggles and Parkinson hitting high and hard in the third , Partners held a 14–11 advantage but again failed to capitalise , although a couple of refereeing decisions left them puzzled .
6 The curtains were drawn but they were thin and unlined and even in the subdued light he could see that the room was spectacularly untidy .
7 That date is before the start of the Classic period about AD 300 and well before the marked population increase at the peak of the Maya Civilisation .
8 During the first three millennia BC , two of the main concentrations of political power of the day , the Assyrian empire and Babylonia , lived in a state of near-permanent warfare , first with one another and then with the Persian kingdom of Elam , which at different times captured both Babylon and Ur and was itself in about 1100 BC laid waste by the Assyrians .
9 Oh there was quite a few and then on the other side there was er , the old reading room where the erm er , building society is it now , what 's there ?
10 Most of the time it was rigid and still under the hot sky but on the occasions when it swayed , though no one noticed a breeze , there was a tiny ticking noise of brittle head against dry stalk .
11 In the case of national trends , fiscal and monetary Policies adopted by the Labour government between 1976 and 1979 and particularly by the Conservative government between 1979 and 1982 had a marked effect on many urban manufacturing companies .
12 He grasped her around the waist , his hands warm and hard through the thin silk of her dress as he steadied her , and Fran felt her heart run wild .
13 To the player it is all too real and even from the prime position in the middle of the fairway he can barely pick out the top of the flag amid the brightly-coloured hues of the spectators .
14 The survey revealed that it is women over the age of 45 and largely in the middle class AB and C1 social brackets who are addicted to detective series .
15 Perhaps she reserves her fondest memories for Sergeant Barry Mannakee who became her bodyguard at a time when she felt lost and alone in the royal world .
16 In June among the initial measures of Cresson 's government were bills providing for ( i ) hospital reform ( designed to tighten government regulations over private components of the national health system , approved by the National Assembly on its first reading on April 29 , by the Senate on June 7 and finally by the National Assembly on June 19 and prompting protests by 60,000-100,000 people on June 11 ) ; ( ii ) tougher penalties for desecrating graves ( approved on June 14 following the desecration of Jewish graves in Carpentras in May 1990 — see p. 37468 ; for earlier legislation against racism see p. 37683 ) ; and ( iii ) restrictions on telephone tapping ( the latter receiving the approval of the National Assembly on June 13 and of the Senate on June 25 ) .
17 Staying cloudy in most places although a few bright intervals at possible and apart from the odd chance of a light shower it should stay dry milder than of late top temperature eleven celsius fifty two fahrenheit mist and patchy fog will form tonight and drizzle is likely in places too the overnight low eight celsius forty six fahrenheit mist and fog clearing slowly tomorrow a dull start it should brighten up later on though sunny intervals developing the high tomorrow thirteen degrees .
18 A meeting of Leaders and Trustees was held in the Carleton Cafe the following Friday evening , 18 December — they wasted no time — and after a prolonged discussion the decision was taken to build a new church as soon as possible and certainly within the following five years .
19 This landed wealth of Egypt was , later in the fifth century , exploited by rentier Iranian landowners who screwed all they could out of the local peasants : their demands are preserved in Aramaic on leather documents bought in Egypt in 1943–4 and now in the Bodleian Library in Oxford .
20 Although most of our Nursery pupils do go on to the Junior and subsequently to the Senior School at Heriot 's , transfer is not automatic .
21 On the question of staff turnover erm on the saving advertising I think that reflects th the drop of staff turnover over the years and there is a budget which is an historical budget against that and clearly in the current situation less staff are leaving like that erm so that 's one of these .
22 Can I say Chairman on on this report of the policy of the old policy and resources committee on the internal management of local authorities that was a very important issue because it 's I all issues are important but in particular the the seal the report is to inform the council of comments which the policy and resources committee has agreed to make the association of county councils on the recommendation of the joint working party on the internal management of local authority Now I 'm sure you , you 've waded through the report at least some of the during the last er week or so that er that you 've had it well I would advise you to turn to page thirty and thirty one because there 's lot eas and it 'll make life easier for you , if you do that and there on the bottom half of page thirty you will see the decisions of the policy and resources committee .
23 ‘ The inspectors were perfectly pleasant and apart from the odd query you 'd hardly know they were there , ’ said Mr Dicketts .
24 The greatest danger to the West may be a USSR militarily strong and politically on the defensive : ‘ politics ’ , as Lenin said , ‘ is the reason , war only the tool ’ .
25 Now fully recovered from a hairline crack of the shin , Robson spoke to the England manager , Bobby Robson , this morning to tell him that he had suffered no reaction from the Portsmouth game and was fit and well for the Polish trip .
26 I ran hard and fast along the wet sand where it was good and firm , making a jet noise with my mouth and holding my binoculars and bag down tight to my sides .
27 The chairman thanked all those who had worked hard and tirelessly over the last year for the benefit of the club and its members .
28 They are marginally larger and instead of the pale yellow head-plumes are adorned with bright golden-yellow plumes which meet over the forehead .
29 Its west façade was rebuilt in the eighteenth and also in the nineteenth century .
30 When she thought about them , she saw devils as small creatures with hooves and a tail , horned and two-legged and yet at the same time resembling tadpoles .
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