Example sentences of "[adj] and [noun pl] [verb] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Throttle control is n't enough on its own to do this and riders play a treacherous and delicate juggling act , weighting the footrests , shifting body weight and manipulating the throttle to increase or decrease rear tyre grip as required .
2 The strong smell of damp and cats gave a quick explanation of why the first two floors of the building were uninhabited .
3 Some of the odours were hallucinogenic and patrons wore a glazed look .
4 ‘ I am sure that as classes get bigger and lectures replace the old tutorial and seminar systems , books will take on a higher perceived value as they become more central to the course . ’
5 Mr Lilley 's remarks outraged Labour and charities helping the poor .
6 Procedure in the High Court remains complex and cases take a considerable time to come to trial .
7 None of us can doubt the economic plight of many of the countries where our mission partners work but the relationship of people is every bit as important and visits play a large part in that .
8 Even today some babies go undetected and midwives have an important role in identifying babies who should have early hearing tests .
9 The Welsh and Scots adopted a different tactic which was more in keeping with their less explicitly political expression of nationality .
10 They fear that welfare is being privatised : if charities build shelters for the homeless and philanthropists feed the poor , the government saves money .
11 In 51 minutes Ian Ferguson crashed in a fierce 20 yarder which flew wide and Rangers missed a great chance to go ahead when Murdoch saved a Hateley penalty kick , after the keeper had been penalised for bringing down the big attacker .
12 Transportation recommend schemes to Committee ; Designcare or Roadcare get tender documents ready and Inroads build the final product — all part of the Department 's service to the public .
13 But last year housebuilding bottomed out at about half the level of 1988 and analysts predict a slow upturn in 1992 .
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