Example sentences of "[adj] and [adv] [vb past] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The rest of the team , panicking , tried to gallop free and only slewed the broken limber round .
2 THIS PIONEERING panel game began in '51 and fast became the tabloid-fodder equivalent of EastEnders in the '80s .
3 When direct dealing costs , brokerage and VAT were included they tended to help filter out the trades that were only marginally profitable and hence raised the overall profitability .
4 Hertha Ayrton carried on with the experiments during her husband 's absence in America in 1893 and subsequently became the leading authority on the subject .
5 A young Roman Catholic soldier from the Lancashire Fusiliers was billeted on him for two summer months of 1941 and never forgot the joyful singing which used to accompany Ramsey 's washing and shaving before he went off to the cathedral each morning .
6 Encouraged by the Labour government of 1964–70 and the attempt of the Industrial Reorganisation Corporation to restructure parts of British industry , GEC took over AEI and English Electric and successfully reorganised the ailing electronics industry during the 1960s by rationalisation , elimination of duplication and elimination of excess capacity .
7 The mail was uniformly trivial , but he read it all and then stuffed the torn envelopes and their contents into his pockets for disposal elsewhere .
8 The Canadian Pacific developed a French Renaissance château style combined with touches of Scottish baronial , which was both distinctive and neatly combined the main cultural heritages of Canada .
9 It was , he judged , almost twenty feet long and obviously served the triple purpose of sitting room , working place and office .
10 Part of his success was due to the spectacular tour of the ‘ Greek Slave ’ which began in London in 1845 and subsequently toured the American cities as well as the famous London Crystal Palace Exhibition in 1851 .
11 Sabraxis was a stern mistress , but she was very imaginative and continually updated the traditional pieces .
12 He was our Player of the Year three times ( another club record ! ) in 1978 , 1985 and 1987 and fully earned the undying admiration and gratitude of Palace fans .
13 I certainly had had enough and so had the poor lady , judging by her slight breathlessness , flushed cheeks and waving handkerchief .
14 Iraqi Foreign Minister Tariq Aziz expressed his country 's readiness to destroy its chemical weapons stocks on condition that Israel did the same and also signed the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty , to which Iraq was already a party .
15 He even patted Nick on the head and called him ‘ Young Nicodemus ’ , which amazed Nick so much he sat with his mouth hanging open and barely touched the roast meat on his plate .
16 Circular kilns first appeared in Kent around 1805 and soon became the normal pattern there .
17 Planning had begun in 1857 and originally envisaged the enlarging and improving of the existing 1832 church on the opposite side of the street .
18 He appealed to Miloš to join him , but Miloš judged that the time was inopportune and promptly told the Turkish governor in Belgrade of the plot .
19 Meanwhile international loan finance was secured , but the inflow of funds to London had the effect of holding the exchange rate at a level which , given the British inflation rate , made British enterprises increasingly uncompetitive and hence worsened the corporate liquidity position .
20 Like Shawell school , St Peter 's was built in the 1860s and so preceded the Elementary Education Act of 1870 that called for large numbers of schools , mainly in crowded urban areas , to be built with public rather than private money .
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