Example sentences of "[adj] and [verb] by the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Sucralfate or bFGF was dissolved in saline and given by the intragastric route in a volume of 1 ml or infused subcutaneously at 4ml/hour .
2 How was the Beau Ideal absorbed and reinforced by the architectural profession in the design of municipal suburbs ?
3 In late February the UN boundary commission was preparing a report which would reinstate the 1923 border with Kuwait , delineated by the British and accepted by the Iraqi government in an agreement with Kuwait in 1963 .
4 The principles underlying course development were established in a set of aims drawn up in 1972 and reaffirmed by the Modular Course Committee ( MCC ) in 1978 and 1983 .
5 How is a question asked by the foolish and answered by the trivial . ’
6 There was little public knowledge of the extent to which intelligence tests had already become part of the machinery of secondary selection by 1940 , nor how far their use was tied in with that of standardised tests of attainment in English and arithmetic , which were provided , marked and correlated by the same person or organisation .
7 Irene , with an apparently much more complicated nature , felt restricted and confined by the simpler-natured Soames :
8 Iris Murdoch 's fiction has centred rather on a search for goodness , most often by means of loving relationships ; Amis 's with a sense of decorum and indecorum — with social habits and rules made , altered and broken by the changing generations .
9 Kitingan had been arrested in January 1991 and charged by the federal Anti-Corruption Agency on three counts of corruption [ see pp. 37962 ; 38626 ] .
10 It is time to give serious consideration to a standing United Nations army , perhaps paid for by the rich and manned by the poor of the world .
11 The ancient , weathered oak is the main motif , a theme as much used and loved by the Romantic poets and painters as the old willow tree .
12 I can still see myself sitting there , relaxed and comforted by the warm drink , and then there was that moment when I decided I would resign .
13 As Robin Wood has noted , ‘ The presentation of the Cheyennes is confused and blurred by the divided impulse , the desire to recreate an ‘ ideal ’ alternative to the white world . ’
14 Gregory prefaced his great work , the Decem Libri Historiarum , with the following statement : The cultivation of liberal letters is declining or rather dying in the cities of Gaul , since some things that are good and some that are wicked are taking place , and the savagery of the barbarians is on the loose ; the anger of the kings is sharp ; the churches are under threat from the heretics , and are protected by the catholics ; the faith of Christ burns in some and is cold in others ; those same churches are enriched by the devout and empoverished by the perfidious ; nor can any grammarian skillful in the art of dialectic be found to depict this in prose or verse .
15 While the right 's fears about a red revolution developed , the left became frustrated and disillusioned by the moderate nature of these reforms .
16 Quality , quite naturally , was very good and matched by the high cost , but not really excessive for the job of making stunt kites perform to their best .
17 Together they constitute a representative sample of the range of work carried out in English inspired and informed by the broad spectrum of Kristeva 's influential writings , from her early semiotically based work , notably Revolution in Poetic Language , to the later psychoanalytically oriented studies of abjection , love and melancholia .
18 ‘ Signed , sealed and delivered by the said Mary Steed as the attorney of Michael Derek Steed and on behalf of the above named Michael Derek Steed .
19 Printed and published by the Scottish Council for Research in Education , 15 St John Street , Edinburgh , EH8 8JR , October 1992 .
20 Printed and published by the Scottish Council for Research in Education , 15 St John Street , Edinburgh , EH8 8JR , November 1992 .
21 Printed and published by the Scottish Council for Research in Education , 15 St John Street , Edinburgh , EH8 8JR , November 1992 .
22 Printed and published by the Scottish Council for Research in Education , 15 St John Street , Edinburgh , EH8 8JR , January 1993
23 Printed and published by the Scottish Council for Research in Education , 15 St John Street , Edinburgh , EH8 8JR , April 1993
24 I took my godson , Dominic Robinson , round my laboratory the other day , which is a physics laboratory , and he enjoyed it immensely and asked a number of questions , and was absolutely intrigued and fascinated by the various bits of wires and plugs and so on like that , and he asked me the sort of questions that I do n't think I would expect sometimes my undergraduates to ask .
25 I took my godson , Dominic Robinson , round my laboratory the other day , which is a physics laboratory , and he enjoyed it immensely and asked a number of questions , and was absolutely intrigued and fascinated by the various bits of wires and plugs and so on like that , and he asked me the sort of questions that I do n't think I would expect sometimes my undergraduates to ask .
26 The Chief Minister of Sabah and president of the Parti Bersatu Sabah ( PBS ) , Datuk Joseph Pairin Kitingan , was arrested on Jan. 5 and charged by the federal Anti-Corruption Agency on three counts on corruption .
27 As Robert Walpole explained to his brother : " Their cry and complaint was of being underworked and starved by the Irish . "
28 The first such publication is a facsimile of the ‘ Mira Calligraphiae monumenta ’ , a writing manual with calligraphy by Georg Bocskay , imperial secretary to the Holy Roman Emperor Ferdinand I Hapsburg , written in 1561–62 and illuminated by the celebrated Flemish artist and miniaturist Joris Hoefnagel at the behest of the Emperor Rudolf II around thirty years later .
29 The death of the old Daily Herald , the longest surviving Labour daily , founded in 1912 and owned by the Labour party for a period between the wars , was more agony than trauma when compared with the demise of the News Chronicle , but equally disturbing for its supporters .
30 No branch of nuclear technology is more detested and feared by the anti-nuclear and green lobbies than fast breeders .
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