Example sentences of "[adj] and [verb] [adv] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 At the girls ' establishment where she had been sent at huge expense to learn music and French and to carry out the ornate disciplines conceived by the headmistress — including communal teeth-washing in the gardens , winter and summer , and then communal gargling into the rosebeds , which the headmistress regarded as a form of manure-spreading — the pain was put down to growing too fast .
2 For the truth of God in the power of the Spirit can shed light and liberate where the simple recognition of fault or personal deficiency lacks power for transformation .
3 The insect jerks itself free and hangs on the empty pupa case , its body trembling .
4 In a thousand remote little farmhouses and cottages , islanded beneath wind-shriven willows or leaning poplars , the racing floods covered the black fields , overflowed the straight dykes … and leaping upon those lonely homes with all the relentless force of wind and gales , burst open the doors , shattered the ground floor windows … and rushed gurgling and swirling up the narrow staircase .
5 Both country 's leaders were from the same generation Clinton is 46 , Major 49 and came up the hard way , she added .
6 He must have been crouched behind a bank of snow watching him all the time as he came struggling and panting up the long slope .
7 There are county players who average 35–40 and do exactly the same in Tests .
8 That probably means it will offend the few and rip off the many .
9 It is difficult to define accurately what it was like for , although it still exists , it has been damaged , altered and restored so the original design has been obscured .
10 He walked all over Lyne picking up blocks of red sandstone ashlar and pointing out the old grooves and cramp-holes .
11 I roll a joint and turn off the bright neon , leaving us with the sultry lilac glow of a smaller and older lamp , the first I ever bought .
12 If a bank receives a new cash deposit of £ 100 , it will retain £ 10 and lend out the remaining £90 .
13 Copy the sales invoice on page 112 and fill in the following information :
14 He came to Europe in 1948 and returned again the following year when his familiar blue and yellow Maserati was a regular sight at Grand Prix on the continent .
15 No more being shy and going up the high one .
16 His attitude was childlike and brought out the full force of her anger against the vultures waiting beyond the door .
17 The interior is in a poor state but much of the four tiers of the exterior arcade walling is intact and illustrates clearly the Roman building method of using arch and order , with the entablatures continuing in unbroken horizontal bands round the whole amphitheatre and the columns lined up one above the other .
18 Rain lifted each and saw how the dark blobs of their shadows stretched to magnified shapes as she held and turned them .
19 Bouncing and bucking down the rough , uneven scrubland of the sloping ground beyond , it finally fetched up hard when it smashed head-on into a rocky outcrop .
20 However , the Government 's approach , conditioned by the sole objective of reducing expenditure , was far too narrow and attacked only the soft underbelly without reaching the heart of the problem .
21 It will inevitably take some time before the full benefits of our strategy are realised and , whilst we expect our production and cash flow to remain strong and rise over the next few years , profitability in the short term is likely to remain depressed , even with contributions from disposals .
22 The main restoration of the Norman stone-built church was done in 1893 and remains much the same to this day except for modernisation of lighting and heating , addition of carpets , kneelers etc .
23 She did not even realize her hair had come down and that she had lost her hat until she found herself leaning against a wall somewhere on the other side of St Jude 's Passage , her lungs bursting , her temples and her pulses hammering out their distress , her whole appearance wild and dishevelled and attracting not the least attention in that place which-no matter what might have befallen her — had seen it all before .
24 She never moved as I nipped hard and winkled out the offending obstruction .
25 She claims her alleged victim was confused and made up the whole story .
26 She claims her alleged victim was confused and made up the whole story .
27 I mean when we 're walking we are actually falling the whole time , but insects are not like that , they do n't stand on three and pick up the other three .
28 Hence ‘ Inspiringly Titled ’ , the live LP recorded at Kilburn National and featuring roughly the same set they toured with in the spring , from the opening ‘ Start ’ to the closing Hüsker Dü cover , ‘ Do n't Want To Know If You 're Lonely ’ .
29 The true goal is a summit to the right of the col , but the climber may begin a bit too far to the left and go up the other way .
30 Firstly , jump up and collect the shield , then go left , jump on the platform to your left and then the platform on your right , grab the weight , climb the right wall and throw the weight on the switch , jump/fly up onto the block on the wall , go left and cross the gap on the swing , fly up two platforms and run right , go under the guillotine , jump up the pipe and collect a weight , walk left and fall off the last platform , throw the weight on the switch , go left and use the fly to climb up the platform , take the weight and throw it on the switch above you .
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